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Thursday, February 27, 2025

($20 Build) OP09 Black (Teach) Budget Deck Profile

At the time I've wrote this post, the cards are below the budget requirement price $20 to build this entire deck. To be honest, BB Pirates deck is very cheap if we ignore Laboon and Finger Pistol. I've tried to add Finger Pistol to this build, but it went over the budget I am planning to have for the build, so I've kept it $20 below to make it easier on people wallets.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

About One Piece Budget Deck Profiles


Honestly, most One Piece decks are very budget friendly if we ignore competitive cards in the meta format. However, not everyone would like to spend lots of money especially if they have other card games to play. We all want to have deck ideas that can be easy on the wallet, not forcing us to pay tons for a deck build. This is where I am thinking of building One Piece Budget Builds. I might be using the wrong image for this, but it is close enough relating to money.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Pricing of TCGs


As you know, there's like a global inflation going on around the world which makes me want to reduce the amount of card games I want to buy. This also led to this video "Credit to DeckFlare". Looking at this video, there were some obvious one which are expensive, that's why I don't play those games, and there are some that are cheaper than I thought. Not all TCG is in this list like BSS, FFTCG or Disney Lorcana, I do know FFTCG is kind of pricey because of the old staple cards that needs to be use, and Lorcana might be very expensive.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Gundam Card Game ST05, ST06 and GD02 Dates Revealed, Gundam Assemble in 2026


I personally can't wait to play this game, I just hope that we don't need to rely on promos since promos are hard to get in Bandai games, which makes them really expensive. We know the current dates for the starter decks and GD01 set, but now we've got confirmed dates for ST05, ST06 and GD02 set. Although I have no idea why ST05 and ST06 is a month apart considering GD02 is in the same month as ST06. Doesn't really make sense, considering that the game is new, and ST05 should be a new series instead of supports for the current starter deck.

Friday, February 21, 2025

[One Piece Card Information Bureau] OP11 Fist of Godspeed Unboxing Video

This video is nothing special, just an unboxing video of the OP11 set that is coming out in the JP Format. I am looking forward to this set, mainly because I want to build a Shirahoshi deck, and Fishman/Merfolk do have some pretty powerful cards we can use. I won't post every single cards revealed in this video, otherwise it will make this post very long. Some of them are vanillas, and I won't know how to discuss vanilla cards, and some of them have already been revealed in JP OPTCG tweet.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

OP09 Red (Luffy) Deck Profile

The ST21 deck will also have another red Luffy Leader, and there are some cards that will work with this Leader, but for now, I'm currently posting this deck with OP09 cards. I made this deck for the fun of it since this Luffy Leader was from one of the very first Starter deck. I have done purple Kaido Leader using OP08 set, so now it is ST01 Luffy turn.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

[One Piece Card Information Bureau] (OP11 Fist of Godspeed) R Cards Reveals!


Unlike the previous video for OP11 set, this video is short, only 15 mins compare to the 40 mins video they did last time. OP11 release date is almost out for the JP format, whilst for the EN format, it is still a long time away. We might get 1 final reveal for OP11 set for this channel when the date is near, but for now, I'll be posting the cards shown in this video.

Monday, February 10, 2025

OP09 Red (Whitebeard) Deck Profile

I personally feel like OP09 set could work with one of the most OP Character in the series Whitebeard aka Newgate. There are some cards where I could go, this might work with WB as we want to focus on the defensive side of things. However, at the same time, too much high cost Characters can actually runs this deck, so finding the right balance from OP09 set is really important.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

OP09 Yellow (Kalgara) Deck Profile

I don't know if I should post an updated version of Kalgara as the previous version is okay, but will need some changing. There's like 1 card in OP09 that could work with Kalgara, but it is up to you if you want to run it or not. It is not like it is a key card to the build, since we definitely need more Shandian supports, but at the same time, going too far might make this deck very OP.

Friday, February 7, 2025

OP09 Red/Purple (Kid) Deck Profile

We've got new Kid Pirates supports in OP09 set, however, they are very disappointing, so I won't be using some of them. Instead, this build came from RP Luffy idea where we focus on powering up the Leader, and make this build a power base deck instead of using the new Kid Pirates stuff. Personally, with the right set up this deck could be deadly, but you do need set up to work, compare to other decks.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

OP09 Purple/Yellow (Crocodile) Deck Profile

Now, unlike the Blue/Purple Crocodile who got major upgrade from OP09 set, this version of Crocodile only a one card update. Although that 1 card is optional for this Crocodile build as this would mean we will be sacrificing some numbers to fit the new card in the build. The OP08 version of this deck is pretty defensive, and I would actually stick with the OP08 version. With this build, I have to change some cards around to suit the new card in the deck. Well it is up to you if you want to try this build or not.

Monday, February 3, 2025

OP09 Green/Yellow (Yamato) Deck Profile

There's actually no new support for Yamato build, however, there is a card I want to fit for this build as they could support Yamato's Leader effect. Lets just say this build is more of a random build, but with the mind of utilising Yamato's Double Attack ability to swipe your opponent's Life with ease. I tried to make this deck as aggressive as possible as we want to deal as much damage, the sooner, the better for this deck.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

OP09 Yellow (Katakuri) Deck Profile

Personally, I don't know about an OP09 version of Katakuri. But decks will change constantly, so I decided to post this version of the deck. It is different compare to the previous version, but we will still focus on checking the Life area. Although I don't think my previous build is great, I would prefer to use this version. You do not have to run OP09 card and can easily be replaced with one of the old cards as Katakuri doesn't need new cards from OP09 set.