Budget Teach V1 | Budget Teach V2 |
Leader Character (38) Event (8) Stage (4) | Leader Character (32) Event (14) Stage (4) |
OP09 is great for making Teach as a budget build since most of the cards you need are in one set. Both build have the same style where we focus more on activate main effects since Teach stop us from using on play effects. The timing of using Teach's Leader effect is important as you really don't want to use this early turn on low cost Characters, you want to target your opponent's high cost Characters to shut their on play's effect down.
V1 build focus on using more Characters for cost reducing and removal. At least Jack is cheap to get and under the $20 budget cap. He does cost 7 to play, so you might be not be able to play any other cards for a turn, but if you can constantly trigger Jack's effect, we could constantly wipe your opponent's Characters even for a budget deck.
On the other hand, V2 build uses more Events similar to the main build, this is because Teach shuts on play effect, so we might as well use Events instead. However, the Events are 1 time use only compare to V1 who we got Jack in the build to constantly KO your opponent's Characters. But Sky Slicer can also remove Stage cards if your opponents are playing Stages.
Cost Reducers
Both builds will have access to the BB Pirates cost reducers, only different is that both decks will be using different non BB Pirates cost reducers. As long as we can reduce your opponent's Characters cost, we can remove those Characters. Stronger is just a nice 1 drop Character we can use instead of our 1 cost on play cost reducers. The effect works by trashing 1 card in your hand and trashing this Character, if your Leader is BB Pirates, draw 1 card. Then, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 this turn. We wouldn't be able to constantly use this effect, but at least we can build up the trash.
In the V1 build, I am running Toy Soldier as this card has a 2k counter, good for defence especially with BB deck who loses their hand size very easily as well as an activate main effect. The effect is you may trash this Character to reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 3 this turn. 3 may not be enough, but if we combined this with other cost reducers, then we could get the numbers we need to KO that Character.
Van Augur can be used as a beat stick or the effect depending on the situations. The effect is you may rest this Character, if your Leader is BB Pirates type, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 3 this turn. This is similar to Toy Soldier's effect, but we do not trash this Character so we can use the effect for next turn. There is a second effect that works on KO, you draw a card. So if we manage to lose Augur, we could still recover our hand.
Lastly V2 build will be using Ice Age, as Ice Age would be able to target your opponent's high cost Characters so we can remove those Characters with ease. The effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 5 this turn. The trigger effect is optional as I mainly care about the main effect instead. The trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters.
Just like the cost reducers, we've also got different removals for the budget builds, well you can combine both together if you want to. Doc Q is one of our main removals as he has a low cost to play, saving up the DONs for other cards. The effect works by resting this Character, if your Leader is BB Pirates, KO 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Characters. 1 cost or less might be difficult for 1 of the builds, but not if you could combined multiple cost reducers together.
OP08 Jack is in the V1 build, although Jack does cost 7 to play, so you might not want to run Jack in the build. Jack has 2 effects, the first effect is this Character gains +4 cost. Against cost removals, Jack is very good as it will prevent those cards from removing Jack on the field, so we could use the activate main effect. The second effect is you may rest this Character to draw 1 card and trash 1 card from your hand. Then, KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters. This shouldn't be too difficult to do if we combined with your other cost reducers.
Sky Slicer is actually very good which is why I've included in V2 build. The main effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 0 cost Characters or 1 cost or less Stages. This is why I am also running Ice Age in V2 build, so we can get that Character to 0 if your other cost reducers aren't enough. Not to mention, the trigger effect can also come in hand. The trigger effect is draw 2 cards. For Teach build, the draw power is important as we are constantly discarding cards, so we need ways to increase our hand size.
Negating Effects
What I like about this deck even for budget builds is that we have cheap cards who can negate your opponent's effect. 10 drop BB is a Blocker with an effect that works once per turn. If your Leader is BB Pirates type and this Character was played on this turn, negate the effect of 1 of your opponent's Leader during this turn. Then, negate the effect of 1 of your opponent's Characters and that Character cannot attack until the end of their turn. This will depends on what kind of Leader your opponent will be playing, as some doesn't matter and some would want to constantly spam the effect. But at least we can stop at least 2 attacks as BB is a 12k Blocker once on the field.
Black Hole is basically our cheap version of Finger Pistol as Finger Pistol will be a card that make this budget deck go over budget. Of course if you can get both in the build, then we would have plenty of removals. The effect is if your Leader is BB Pirates, negate the effect of 1 of your opponent's Characters during this turn. Then, if that Character's cost is 4 or less, KO it. This shouldn't be too difficult to do with the cost reducers in the build. The trigger effect is negate the effect of 1 of your opponent's Leader or Character cards this turn. This trigger effect might be useful depending on what your opponent have on the field.
What I like about BB deck is that we have access to searchers even for a budget build, and these 3 cards are all in just 1 set which makes it easier to get before the cards get sold out. Laffite works by paying 1 DON and resting this Character to look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 BB Pirates card and add it to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This is just the typical searcher we've seen so far.
My Era Begins is different from Laffite instead of looking at top 5 cards, we can only look at top 3. Look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 BB Pirates card other than My Era Begins and add it to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The trigger effect is activate this card's main effect.
Fullalead is a nice hand filter card, we don't gain card with this Stage, but we also don't lose cards. The effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand and rest this stage, look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 BB Pirates card and add it to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. We look at the same amount of card just like My Era Begins, but as this is a Stage card, we can use this effect once per turn.
Blackbeard Pirates Supports
Lastly we've got the the BB Pirates Support and they are relative the same as the main build. Vasco is just a Blocker, can't expand on this whilst OP09 Shiryu is a hand filter. You need to attach a DON to Shiryu for the effect to work. When attacking, you may trash 2 cards from your hand to draw 2 cards. Unfortunately, we do need to trash first in order to draw, and if your hand is okay, then we don't really want to use this effect. At least he has 2k counter which will be nice for defending.
Burgess is a key card in the deck especially for budget builds since we have lack of removals. The more cards you get in the trash, the more power Burgess becomes. The effect is this Character can't be KO'd by your opponent's effects. If your Leader is BB Pirates type, this Character gains 1k for every 4 cards in your trash. If you can get at least 16, that's 9k beat stick for Burgess which is not bad for a 4 drop Character. Not to mention that this is a continuous effect, meaning the power boost will carry on during your opponent's turn, and we don't have to use as much counters to protect Burgess from your opponent's attacks unless they've attached a lot of DONs.
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