Personally, this is a build where the Straw Hat starter deck will play a major role, but if you haven't got the Straw Hat starter for Nika Luffy, then don't worry. I have made a budget build where we don't have to use the starter deck for this build. But of course, strength wise will be lost without the starter deck, so instead, I am using alternative methods for this build.
OP09 Luffy Budget |
Leader Character (41) Event (9) |
How it Works?
To be honest, purple Straw Hat is currently one of the meta deck, so making this deck as a budget will be difficult at the moment, especially if I am ignoring the Straw Hat starter deck. Well, if we include Straw Hat starter deck, then this build might not even be budget build anymore as the Straw Hat starter deck could be expensive on secondary market, and you could build this entire build for around the same amount of cost.
The deck focuses on ramping as well as returning at least 2 DONs to trigger Nika Luffy's effect, so we can play our high cost Characters very easily with this build. I'm not running a lot of cost reducers, so targeting certain costs might be more difficult to do. You do always want to trigger Nika Luffy's first effect which is increasing your Characters cost by 1. This can make a difference especially against cost removals, making those cards harder to hit your Characters. Coincidentally there's a lot of 2k counters in the build, and this is not what I had in my mind as I've chosen the cards that would work with this budget deck.
Cost Reducers
Cost reducers will be helpful for this deck as we can target your opponent's high cost Characters rather than specific Character costs. OP02 Tsuru is a nice 1 drop Character we can use if we want to target your opponent's low cost Characters. The effect works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 this turn. If you don't want to use Tsuru, then the 2k counter will be handy.
Another 2k counter Character is Toy Soldier. Now unlike Tsuru, we can wait until the right condition to use Toy Soldier's effect as he is an activate main effect. The effect is you may trash this Character to reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 3 this turn, and that 3 could help you hit the number you need to remove your opponent's Characters.
I am glad that Ice Age is reprinted, making the card a lot cheaper to get than it used to, helping budget builds gain access to this card. Ice Age will be important as we can target your opponent's high cost Characters. The main effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 5 this turn. The trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters. I personally won't use this unless my opponents has a 3 drop or less beat stick that needs to be stop.
There's not a lot of removals, mainly because the key ones are in a starter deck, and I am not running any starter cards for budget builds, so instead, I've found these 2 alternatives. OP06 Kamazo works well in this build as we are returning DONs as well as we have cost reducers to make the full use of Kamazo's effect. The effect is when a DON card on your field is returned to your DON deck, KO up to 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters. Thanks to this effect, we would have a nice constant removal we can use as long as you have your cost reducers and ways to return DONs.
OP08 Jack is another constant removal, but you will definitely need cost reducers to make use of Jack's effect. Jack has 2 effects, the first effect is this Character gains +4 cost. Against cost removals, Jack is very good as it will prevent those cards from removing Jack on the field, so we could use the activate main effect. The second effect is you may rest this Character to draw 1 card and trash 1 card from your hand. Then, KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters. Well I guess we can also filter out our hand to get the cards we need.
As this is a purple build, we do have some sort of ramp to increase the number of DONs to play our high cost Characters to the field. OP09 Zoro works specifically with our Nika Luffy Leader in order to get the most amount of DONs from both of these cards. The effect on play, by returning 1 or more DONs on your field, add 1 DON as active. So in total, we can return 2 DONs to gain 3 DONs in 1 turn. It is only a plus 1 in the end, but it is definitely better than not gaining anything.
Zala is pretty much the cheap version of Bon Clay since EB01 Bon Clay is still an expensive card to get until it get reprinted. Zala's effect works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to add 1 DON as rest. Not as good as Zoro who let us have active DONs, but at least we can set up for big plays during our next turn. The trigger effect is by returning 1 DON, play this card. You wouldn't gain anything from using the trigger effect except by having a body on the field. However, Zala also has 2k counter which could be useful during the counter steps.
We have more rest mechanic over KO as they are mainly from the Straw Hat line, so we could search them out with ease. OP05 Usohachi is pretty much the replacement of Usohachi from the starter deck. They both do similar things, except one works on play and the other needs a few more step to trigger the effect. OP05 Usohachi will need a DON attached for the effect to work and the effect works when attacking, if you have 8 or more DONs on your field, rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. The good thing is that Usohachi can be a constant 5k beat stick with the ability to rest your opponent's Characters, rather than one time use only. However, we do need to ramp as much as possible for the effect to work.
OP09 Sanji is actually the key card for this budget deck. I am not running any other Straw Hat or the secret rare Luffy in OP09 set, so Sanji is a must have in the deck, even though this is a budget build. Sanji's effect works on play, you may return 1 or more DONs on your field. This Character gains Rush and rest 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters. So basically we want to return no less than 2 to trigger Nika Luffy's Leader effect to get an active DON to the field. Also Sanji doesn't only just rest your opponent's Characters, but we have Rush, so we can attack into the rested Characters straight away if we want to reduce the amount of Characters your opponent has on the field.
The final resting card is Jump Rope. Jump Rope is another card that works well with Nika Luffy's effect. The effect is by returning 2 DONs, rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. Then, draw 1 card. So not only we can rest, but we can also increase our hand size, since draw power would be very important for budget builds. The trigger effect is add 1 DON as active, this is just in case you need the extra ramp to play your cards sooner.
What I like about this build is that we've got draw power as well as these 2 cards work really well with Nika Luffy's effect. OP09 Franky is a Blocker with an on play effect which is, by returning 2 DONs from your field, trash 1 card from your hand to draw 2 cards. I guess the only downside is that we have to trash first in order to draw, but that wouldn't matter too much if we can also trigger Nika Luffy's effect at the same time.
Giant is an Event that only works with Straw Hat Leader and this make sense, otherwise this card would be very broken and more expensive than being in this budget build. The counter effect is by returning 2 DONs from your field, you may trash 1 card from your hand, if your Leader is Straw Hat type, 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains 4k power this battle. Then, draw 2 cards. Just like Franky, we will have to trash first in order to get the draw power.
The Supports
The final cards of the deck will be the support. Although OP09 Robin is just a 2 drop Blocker and nothing else I could expand on. I will take about Law and Franosuke. OP09 Law is our standard searcher since we don't have Zoro from the starter deck who could search out the Straw Hats. The effect works on play, look at top 4 cards of your deck, reveal one 2 cost or more Straw Hat or Heart Pirates card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The only downside is that we can only add cost 2 or more to hand, so we cannot add Gum Gum Giant.
Franosuke will have a requirement like OP05 Usohachi which is that you need certain amount of DONs for the effect to work. Luckily, Franosuke is mainly just a one off effect, and we will be fine for the rest of the game. You will need to attach a DON to Franosuke for the effect to work, if you have 8 or more DONs on your field, this Character gains Rush. So we could swing instantly as soon as we use 6 DONs in total. This might be a lot, but if you need that 1 extra attack, Franosuke could make a different.
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