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Thursday, January 30, 2025

[One Piece Card Information Bureau] OP11 AA Leaders, SEC and Cards Revealed

A lot of cards have been revealed in just one video, so breaking these cards down will be a long post. Well the video is around 40 mins, so it makes sense. Some of the Leaders has already been revealed if you have kept up with the JP Twitter update, or should I call it X now. Nah, I still call it Twitter since it is what everyone knows the site as, even if you don't have a Twitter account.

Anyway, I am very excited about OP11 reveals as some of the cards can go into older builds as well as the latest Leader, so more decks to test. It also looks like we are getting Straw Hats for Blue colour, since Blue is the only colour that doesn't have many Straw Hats. All the other colours can literally build a Straw Hat deck, even if there are no Straw Hat Leaders. I haven't decided if I should make a SWORD deck or Shirahoshi build, Shirahoshi would be cheaper, but I don't have a Navy deck, plus SWORD is also red, and I like red decks which makes the decision even harder. I am not bothered about which decks will be meta, I just like having different variety, and sometimes, the non meta decks can also be dark horse in this game.

I should post the cards revealed below before I start ramping on about meta decks for OP11 which is not the main topic of this post. As you know the translation is not 100% accurate, so these text will be changed when they are released in English.


Red / Black Leader (OP11-001)

4 Life / 5000 Power (Strike)

Navy / SWORD

Your {SWORD} type Characters can attack Characters on the turn in which they are played.

[Once Per Turn] When 1 of your {Navy} type Characters with an original power of 7000 or less would be removed from the field by your opponent’s effects, you may place 3 cards from your trash at the bottom of your deck in any order instead.

We can use both SWORD and Navy in the build, looks like I might know which Navy cards I'll be using, but will also depends on the rest of the SWORD cards to give me an idea on how to build this. What I do like about Koby's first effect is that it is exact same as Corrida Colisuem for Dressrosa build, giving your Characters the ability to attack rested Characters without the need of Rush. Although this might means that the new cards won't have as much removals, otherwise we won't need this effect because red card pool has plenty of KO options to choose from. But this is just my guess from judging Koby's first ability.

The second effect protects 1 of your Navy Characters from being removed. Now this combined with OP02 Kizaru makes Kizaru weakness being solved. Only blue and yellow has the effects to remove Kizaru as they are not KO effects. Well I like the extra protection as it is not bad and you've also got OP04 Sabo who could protect your Navy Characters from being KO'd by effects.


Red Character (OP11-004) (SR)

1 Cost / 2000 Power (Special)

Navy / SWORD 

[Counter + 1000] 

[On Play] Look at 5 cards from the top of your deck; reveal up to 1 {Navy} type card other than [Peacock] and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. 

[Activate: Main] You may trash this Character: Up to 1 of your Character cards gains +1000 power during this turn.

Peacock is a 1 drop searcher for Navy so can also go well in red/black Garp build, but also an SR card. The search effect is definitely not worth being SR as it is a very standard effect which all the other types has this effect. However, what makes this different is that we can trash this searcher to power up 1 of our other Characters. This is way better than replacing them with your other Characters. Now, even a 1 drop searcher has more role than searching from your deck.


Green Leader (OP11-021)

5 Life / 5000 Power (Strike)

Fish-Man / Straw Hat Crew

[End of Your Turn] If you have 6 cards or less in your hand, set up to 1 of your {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type Character cards and up to 1 DON!! card as active

Jinbe having a Straw Hat type is very weird considering the effect is not even related to Straw Hat, so I have no idea why they've added Straw Hat type to Jinbe. Maybe we can use cards that needs Straw Hat as the Leader. I do like Jinbe AA as it makes him looks badass and he is very strong in the series, and the AA shows that.

The effect is not bad as you will be able to untap a DON as well as 1 of your Fishman or Merfolk Characters. The only downside is that you need to maintain 6 cards or less if you want to trigger Jinbe's effect. Although, I do think we need more Fishman or Merfolk supports if we want to make this build work.


Green Character (OP11-031) 

6 Cost / 8000 Power (Strike) 

Fish-Man / Fish-Man Island / Sun Pirates 

[On Play] If your Leader has the {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type, rest up to 1 of your opponent’s Characters with a cost of 5 or less. 

[Activate: Main] [Once Per Turn] Up to 1 of your Characters with {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type can attack on the turn in which they are played.

This one card alone made Fishman/Merfolk builds very strong as they pretty much gain Rush ability. If they made like a 10 cost Fishman/Merfolk, then we would have an insane beat stick. We also got the rest ability, but I don't care much about resting, even though we could rest Blockers. Jinbe is also an 8k beat stick which is even better for a 6 drop Character, and what's funny is that you could play another Jinbe and use the Jinbe we have on the field to give that Jinbe Rush whilst resting your opponent's Characters since there are no Jinbe restrictions which makes this one hell of a strong card.


Green / Yellow Leader (OP11-022)

5 Life / 5000 Power (Wisdom)

Merfolk / Fish-Man Island

This Leader cannot attack

[Activate: Main][Once Per Turn] You may rest 1 of your DON!! and turn 1 card from the top of your Life cards face up: You may play up to 1 {Sea King} type or [Megalo] Character card from your hand with a cost equal to or less than the number of DON!! cards on your field.

Shirahoshi is another Leader who won't be doing any attacking in return we will have 5 Life. I personally have no idea what would the Sea King's effect will be, and judging that they are Sea Kings, they should be pretty powerful. I can't remember how many Sea Kings there are, I think there's around 4-5. We can also play Megalo and Megalo also hasn't been revealed. So I cannot judge how strong will this effect be. But at least we can use Jinbe with Shirahoshi to make our Characters more aggressive.


Yellow Character (OP11-108) (R)

5 Cost / 7000 Power (Slash)

Merfolk / Fish-Man Island

[On Play] If your Leader is Shirahoshi, you may turn 1 card from the top of your Life cards face down: Draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand.

Obviously Neptune would only work with Shirahoshi as he is the father. The effect is pretty good, if the Sea Kings don't have high cost we could flip the Life cards face down and use the Leader effect again. The effect is just a nice draw power we can use, and being a 7k beat stick for a 5 drop is pretty strong if we combined this with the new Jinbe.


Blue / Purple Leader (OP11-040)

3 Life / 6000 Power (Strike)

Straw Hat Crew

You may activate this effect at the start of your turn. If you have 8 or more DON!! cards on your field, look at 5 cards from top of your deck; reveal up to 1 {Straw Hat Crew} type card and add it to your hand. Then, place the remaining cards at the top or bottom of your deck in any order.

Personally, I am getting bored of seeing Luffy as a Leader, we need more other Characters who can be a Leader. Although it is Snakeman and we don't have any Snakeman Luffy in the game. This card doesn't do anything during the early stages, you will need to ramp until 8 DONs for the effect to work. The effect is just a searcher, but if we combined this with OP06 Sanji, we can actually put the cards on top, and use Sanji's effect to play that Character for free, so it is pretty much a win win for this effect. I guess the downside is that this is similar to ST10 Luffy where we only have 3 Life cards but 6k power.


Blue Character (OP11-051) SR

6 cost / 7000 Power (Strike)

The Vinsmoke Family / Straw Hat Crew

When this Character is K.O.'d by an opponent's effect, look at 5 cards from top of your deck and play up to 1 {Straw Hat Crew} type Character card with a cost of 5 or less. Then, place the rest of the cards on the bottom of your deck in any order.

[On Play] Place up to 1 Character with an original power of 5000 or less to the owner's hand.

The strange thing about Sanji is that he has Vinsmoke type, however, the effect is not related to Vinsmoke and only Straw Hat. I guess we can only use Sanji in Straw Hat builds more than Vinsmoke. The effect is great as it is not colour restricted, or even Sanji restricted, so we could even play our purple Straw Hats if we are playing Snakeman Luffy as the Leader. The effect is a power based effect which makes me want to use this in red/blue deck, Marco Leader would be pretty good with Sanji, but we would have to go Straw Hats instead of using WB Pirates, but I guess we can splash a bit of WB Pirates to make the deck work.


Blue / Yellow Leader (OP11-41)

4 Life / 5000 Power (Special)

Straw Hat Crew

[Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When a card is removed from your or your opponent's Life cards, you may activate this effect. If you have 7 or less cards in hand, draw 1 card.

[DON!!x1] [On Your Opponent's Attack] [Once Per Turn] You may trash 1 card from your hand: This Leader gains +2000 power during this turn.

This Nami is very defensive, although we did have Mill Name build who is also defensive, and this is no different. We do have 2 effects, the first effect is the draw power. I don't know about you, but I like draw power, and especially with yellow, we can do Life Gain and constantly trigger the effect. What's more is that this also affects your opponent's Life area.

The second effect makes Nami more defensive as it last for a turn. So 1 attack is all you need to make Nami a 7k base Leader, according to this translation. You do need to attach a DON and trash a card from your hand, but this won't be difficult to pull off, and this might gave me an idea of how to build this deck.


Blue Character (OP11-064) (SR)

5 Cost / 6000 Power (Special)

Straw Hat Crew

[Counter + 1000]


[On Play] If your Leader is multicolored, draw 3 cards and place 2 cards from your hand at the top or bottom of your deck in any order.

When I've read this effect, I was like she is definitely going in Blue/Yellow Queen build as we could place the trigger cards from our hand to top of our deck. Then, use Queen's effect and place that trigger card on top of Life. Being a Blocker makes this even more useful in Queen's build as we want to stall until we can get 9 drop out. Although we can use this with both Nami and Sanji Leader. We've also got EB02 Vivi who can draw 3 cards and OP05 Ulti for extra draw power. Of course, I haven't forgotten about OP05 Kaido but you kinda don't want to pay the full 10 cost in Nami build as that 2k power last for a turn.

Charlotte Katakuri

Purple Leader (OP11-062)

5 Life / 5000 Power (Strike)

Big Mom Pirates

[When Attacking]/[On Your Opponent's Attack] [Once Per Turn] DON!! -1: Look at 1 card from the top of your opponent’s deck. Then, this Leader gains +1000 power during this battle.

A Leader that lets you look at the top card of your opponent's deck. Does nothing, but it does lets you know what they will be drawing next, but at least this effect works on both turns. It's different from yellow Katakuri who gets to look at the Life area. But I know one thing and that is we are getting more purple Big Mom Pirates supports.

Charlotte Linlin

Purple Character (OP11-073) R

10 cost / 12000 Power (Special)

Big Mom Pirates

If your Leader has the {Big Mom Pirates} type, this Character gains [Rush].

[On Your Opponent's Attack] [Once Per Turn] DON!! -5: You may declare a cost. Reveal 1 card from the top of your opponent's deck. If the revealed card has the same cost as the declared cost, up to 1 of your Leader gains +2000 power during this turn.

I'm actually surprised this is only a rare, but then again, the effect only works with purple Katakuri. Any other decks will be guessing at this point as we won't know what's your opponent's top card will be. Although you can run Big Mom in Big Mom Pirates build just for the Rush ability as she is a 12k beat stick which will let you take out most Characters. Looks like I will need to run Maria from OP08 set as returning 5 DONs is a lot especially combining with Katakuri's Leader effect, losing 6 DONs on your opponent's turn.


Blue Character (OP11-118) SEC

8 cost / 8000 Power (Strike)

Straw Hat Crew

[When Attacking] You may trash 1 card from your hand: Return up to 1 Character with a cost of 4 or less to the owner's hand. Then, give up to 1 rested DON!! card to your Leader or 1 of your Characters.

We've got Snakeman Luffy and you know what's funny is that this combined with OP06 Sanji will be OP, as this card is an 8 cost. We have cards who could place Luffy to top of your deck to play for free using Sanji's effect. Not to mention, having Rush is the best bonus. We can bounce 4 drop or less to hand, but won't do much if your opponent has none. But more importantly, this card works well with Nami Leader since Nami Leader needs a DON if we want to trigger the effect, plus we can reduce our hand size to constantly draw cards from our deck. Is it worth Secret Rare? Maybe? if we know what kind of combo we can do with Snakeman.


Black Character (OP11-119) SEC

8 cost / 9000 Power (Strike)

Navy / SWORD

[On Play] Up to 1 of your Characters can also attack active Characters during this turn.

[When Attacking] You may place 2 cards from your trash at the bottom of your deck in any order: Up to 1 of your Leader or your Character card gains +1000 power until the end of your opponent's next turn.

The final secret rare card is Koby, and I don't know about this secret rare. Personally it seems meh and it is not worth secret rare. For me it is super rare, but then again, the power bonus does last until your opponent's turn. Maybe that is the reason why this is Secret Rare. The on play effect does allows 1 of your Characters to attack active Characters, and since Koby Leader literally makes SWORD Character gains Rush if they attack Characters. This effect is very useful, especially against Blockers.

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