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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

OP09 Purple (Foxy) Deck Profile

Foxy is back with OP09 supports. We are getting a new Foxy card in OP10, so I will add that later. For now, I'll just post this current version of the build I've made. There are plenty of ramp cards in this build as we want to use Foxy's Leader effect to stop your opponent's Leader from attacking as well as 1 other Character. So we can basically stop 2 attacks per turn if we can get your opponent's Characters to rest. It is a nice control deck but we also have some nice beat stick we can use to take out your opponent's Characters.

OP09 Foxy

How it Works?

In this build, I've combined with the OP09 Straw Hats as the new Straw Hats can return more than 1 DON, and most of your Foxy Pirates cards need equal or less DONs to work. You won't be able to activate Foxy's Leader effect straight away without getting at least 3 Foxy Pirates on the field. This is also why I'm running plenty of draw power in the deck to draw into the cards you need. Also as you can see the deck is centre around Porche, Porche lets you play 4k power or less Characters from your hand and there are a lot of options to choose from, so it will be up to you to play which Characters you want.


The more DONs we ramp, the easier to play a lot of Foxy Pirates triggering Foxy's Leader effect, as well as being able to return 3 DONs and recover them back again. Gina is a 1 drop Character, but only works with a certain requirements. The effect works on play, if your Leader is Foxy Pirates type and the number of DONs on your field is equal or less than your opponents, add 1 DON as rest. Unfortunately, she won't be your good turn 1 play, but at least we've got 2k counter.

OP07 Chopper is a Foxy Pirate Character, allowing us to search for Chopper when searching for Foxy Pirates cards. He is a Blocker with an on play effect similar to Gina. If the number of DONs on your field is equal or less than your opponents, add 1 DON as rest. The only difference is that we don't need Foxy Pirates Leader to make this effect work which does expand on different builds who needs the ramp.

Itomimizu is one of the key card we should have on the field. The effect is an activate main effect. Once per turn, if your Leader is Foxy Pirates type and you have no other Itomimizu on the field, add 1 DON as rest. As long as we can get 1 Itomimizu on the field, then we can constantly ramp a DON once per turn, the other copies can be used for discard fodders or counter power.

EB01 Bon Clay is a card we can play with Porche's effect as Bon Clay only has 1k base power which meets Porche requirements. Bon Clay have two effects, the first effect works on play, add 1 DON as active. The second effect is where we can make Bon Clay a decent beat stick. When attacking, select 1 of your opponent's Characters. This Character base power will become the same as the selected Character power. 

Now we move on to OP05 Kid who is a Blocker, but at the same time can reduce the amount of DONs that goes back to the DON deck. The effect works on your turn and once per turn, when a DON on your field is returned, add 1 DON as active. Now I don't know if that extra DON will be useful, but at least we can reduce the cost when we use Foxy's Leader effect. So instead of returning 3 DONs, it will be 2 DONs instead as we gain 1 DON as active.

Foxy Pirates Supports

Now here is the rest of the Foxy Pirates cards. The main ones focused on ramping, although Foxy also have this effect, so you won't run out of DONs easily, not with this kind of build. Anyway Porche is our main searcher and has a very useful effect which allows me to build the deck focused on Porche. The effect works on play, by returning 1 DON, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Foxy Pirates among them and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order and play one 4k power or less purple Character from your hand. The best thing about the last effect is that it is not Foxy Pirates restricted, so we can play a lot of 4k or less Characters from our hand.

Pickles is definitely needed to protect your Foxy Pirates Characters. Foxy Leader needs at least 3 Foxy Pirates Characters to work, and there are a lot of KO'd effects who can easily KO those Characters. The effect is if the number of DONs on your field is equal or less than your opponents, your Foxy Pirates type other than Pickles cannot be KO'd by effects. As long as we can maintain our DONs being equal or less, we can always trigger this effect instantly.

Foxy has like an OP09 Shanks effect, but lets just say OP09 Shanks just copied Foxy and made it a little better. Foxy have 2 different effects, the first effect works during your opponent's turn. If your Leader is Foxy Pirates type, reduce all of your opponent's Characters power by 1k. So if we can play multiple Foxy on the field, your opponent's Characters power could lose more than 1k. The second effect is an activate main effect, once per turn, add 1 DON as rest. Another Character who can constantly let us ramp DONs as we need all the DONs we can.

Nine Tails Rush is more for a finisher move which is why I am only running 1 copy in the build. The effect is if the number of DONs on your field is equal or less than your opponents, set 1 Foxy card as active. Now this can be any Foxy card whether it is the Leader or the Character, but at least we can focus on finishing off your opponents with this card effect. The trigger effect is add 1 DON as active. Now since I am only running 1 copy, you want this card in your hand more than triggering the trigger effect.


Resting is actually important for this build especially when Foxy's Leader effect puts a freeze on your opponent's Characters reducing the number of attacks they can do, unless they want to spend more DONs to replaced the frozen Character. ST18 Usohachi will need 8 DONs on the field for the effect to work. The effect works on play, if you have 8 or more DONs on your field, rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. 8 or more DONs does sound difficult in this build, but technically it is very easy to get, so if you want to rest your opponent's Characters, then Usohachi is pretty good for a 3 drop Character.

I am tempted to run 4 OP09 Sanji as I like his effect very much. The effect works on play, you may return 1 or more DONs on your field. This Character gains Rush and rest 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters. The best thing about this effect is that we can reduce a large amount of DONs if we actually ended up getting a lot of DONs than your opponents making your cards useless, and not just having Rush and resting ability.


Draw power is the final pieces of the deck, and 2 of these cards Kalifa and Onami can be played for free using Porche's effect as they have 4k or less power and all of them will increase your hand size as not as a hand filter effect. OP03 Kalifa works when attacking, by returning 1 DON, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card. Well if you want to hit magic numbers you will need to give her some DONs power, but if you attacking low power Characters, then great we can get the draw power to get the cards we need.

OP09 Franky is a Blocker, and just in case you want to use your ramp effects early, as we wouldn't be able to use Foxy's Leader effect efficiently without 3 Foxy Pirates. Although, I think you can use Foxy's Leader effect, but you will get nothing in return. The effect works on play, by returning 2 DONs, trash 1 card to draw 2 cards. Unlike Kalifa, we need to trash first before drawing, so if you know you have some cards you won't be using, then that will be used as a discard fodder.

ST18 Onami is pretty much the same as Franky being a Blocker with an effect where you trash and draw. However, you will need 8 or more DONs to work just like Usohachi. The effect works on play, if you have 8 or more DONs on your field, trash 1 card from your hand and draw 2 cards. Well, I guess we can play Onami for free compare to Franky who we would have to pay 4 DONs to play.

OP09 Luffy is one of our main beat stick we can use as Sanji and Foxy are 7k beat stick which wouldn't force a lot of counters from your opponent's hand unlike Luffy. The effect works on play, you may return 1 or more DONs on your field. Draw 1 card and this Character gains Rush this turn. Just like Sanji, we can return more than 1 DON if we want to trigger some card's effects that needs less or equal number of DONs than your opponents. Although, Luffy being a 9 drop does means we only got very few choices to play.

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