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Sunday, January 19, 2025

OP09 Purple/Yellow (Robin) Deck Profile

We've got another Purple Leader in OP09 set, and it is Robin. Also Robin is technically a Yellow build, but because they put purple first as the colour, I just went with purple yellow. We do have a splash of purple in the build, so it is not a fully mono yellow build. Anyway, the thing with this theme is that they didn't bother to give Robin Ohara type as she is from Ohara, instead they've just kept it Straw Hat. Maybe it make sense since Ohara got erased when she was small, so if they would give Robin Ohara type, it would be kid Robin who will get it.

OP09 Robin

How it Works?

The deck focuses on Trigger Characters so we can feed Robin's Leader effect to get the ramp. You can run more ramp cards, however, running too many ramp cards with the lack of returning DONs can be pointless. But we would be able to play our big drop Characters as soon as possible. You actually don't have much Life gain cards, I guess you could run Katakuri in the build, but who would I want to take out, as all these cards can play a major role for this build.

You also have Robin Leader who got the Banish effect forcing your opponents to lose their Life cards, or they can use counters from their hand. Either way, both options will be very good for you. Personally, the first 2 turns will depends on what you've got in your hand. If you got nothing to play, you can use all your DONs to power up Robin and aim to banish your opponent's Life cards, whilst also getting the ramp effect going.

Life Gain

Of course, more Life gain the better for the deck, but most of the Life gain cards either work when KO or high cost Characters. These 3 cards need low health to work, but we only start with 4 Life as our Leader is a multicoloured Leader, so getting low health shouldn't be a problem. OP04 Yamato works the best when you have 1 or less Life card, although you could play Yamato early if you want to KO a high cost Character. The effect works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost equal or less than the total Life on both player's field. Then, if you have 1 or less Life, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life.

OP07 Ace doesn't really have a requirements in order to get Life gain, but if you can get to low health, we can make full use of Ace's effect. The effect works on play, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. Then, if you have 2 or less Life, this Character gains Rush. Basically you will need 1 or less Life card to gain Rush. Rush will help you take out your opponent's big drop as soon as Ace hits the field instead of just getting the Life Gain ability.

One Who Should Disappear is an Event Counter. Now for this build, we have 3 options for this card. Either use this as a discard fodder for Robin's effect, aim for the trigger effect or use the counter effect. All these options will be very handy and it really depends on what you have got in your hand. The counter effect is the same as any other colours. You may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 3k power this battle. The trigger effect is if you have 0 Life, you may add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. Then, trash 1 card from your hand. This is a luck base effect as we've got no way of putting Who Should Disappear at the bottom of your Life cards.

Ohara Supports

The only Ohara cards in the deck, there is also Clover, but Clover's effect is like depending on if you like his effect or not whereas these 3 cards can be the main card of the deck. Olvia is very useful for both main and trigger effect. The main effect works on play, 1 of your Robin Leader gains 3k power this turn. The more power we can give to Robin, the more effect Banish becomes, trashing your opponent's Life cards and not making them have enough counters in hand. The trigger effect is if your Leader is Robin, draw 3 cards and trash 2 cards. Unfortunately this is like OP03 Shirahoshi's effect, but at least drawing 3 cards give us more options.

OP09 Saul is just a Blocker. Funny enough, we've already got Saul in previous set, however, they don't include Ohara type, they only introduced Ohara in OP09 set. The trigger effect is if your Leader is Robin, play this card. Personally, this make sense to me since Saul is a 5k Blocker, and if Saul works with any Leader, it is literally Brulee replacement. I guess Bandai didn't want to make people run Brulee and Saul as having free Blockers on the field.

Dereshi, they've actually made a laugh into a card. Maybe we get more in future with other One Piece Characters laughs. Anyway, Dereshi is pretty much our searcher of the deck, but instead of the standard searchers, we can search for Triggers. The effect is look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to 2 Trigger cards other than Dereshi and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This is very handy since Robin needs you to discard Trigger cards for the effect to work, and if we constantly discard Trigger cards, we would end up having low hand size.


Of course, we have removals in the deck in order to stop your opponent's attacks. However, 1 of them focus more on your opponent's Life rather than what is on the field. OP08 Nami works the best in these kind of builds where we are running a lot of triggers, and Nami can discard any trigger cards we won't be needing for the effect. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card with trigger from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. Then, if you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw 1 card. We are constantly discarding our cards, so getting 3 or less cards in hand isn't difficult. The trigger effect is just activate this card's main effect.

I was debating whether to switch OP07 Luffy for Gedatsu, but I like Luffy better because he also has a Trigger ability rather than just main effect. The effect is an activate main effect. You may trash this card, if you have 2 or less Life, KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. Then, draw 1 card. We do need to have low health if you want the draw, but on the bright side, we can attack with Luffy first then used the effect to remove your opponent's Characters. The trigger effect is basically like the main effect but without the draw power. KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters.

OP09 Robin is only useful during the early stages of the game, but when it comes to late stages, the effect will be useless. I also like how they give Robin her devil form in this artwork. The effect works on play, if your opponent has 3 or more Life cards, trash the top card of your opponent's Life. The downside to this effect is that your opponents need 3 or more Life cards, and depending on the Leader, this might be difficult to do or easy to do. The trigger effect is play one 3 cost or less yellow Character from your hand. I am not running a lot of 3 cost or less in the build, you don't want to play Bege as he is a vanilla, leaving you the only choice is Saul and Olvia. If we play Olvia, Robin Leader can become a 7k base Leader during your opponent's turn.

Trigger Characters

The vanillas with Trigger effects. If you can trigger their trigger effects, then they will be great, if they are in your hand, you can use them as fodders or for counters. OP04 Bege is mainly for the trigger effect. The trigger effect is 1 of your opponent's Leader or Characters cannot attack during this turn. You will have to rely on luck for this effect, we've got no way of putting Bege from our hand into the Life area.

OP07 Franky on the other hand can be hard play because he is a 5k beat stick unlike Bege. But this will be up to you if you want to play Franky or not as we got other Characters we can play. The trigger effect is draw 1 card. Then, if you have 1 or less Life, play this card. The nice thing about this effect is that we can still draw a card even if we don't have 1 or less Life.


Ace is not the only Character in the deck who got Rush ability. The purple stuff of the deck also has Rush allowing us to attack straight away once they hit the field. OP09 Sanji works on play, you may return 1 or more DONs on your field. This Character gains Rush and rest 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters. We only need to return 1 DON for the effect to work, and we can also rest your opponent's Characters especially Blockers that could stop your attacks.

OP09 Luffy is very useful when I was testing this build. He is a 10k beat stick, but only cost 9 to play which is perfect if you are going first. Of course, you also got Yamato who is a 9 drop, but you mainly want to play Yamato when you got 1 or less Life cards. The effect works on play, you may return 1 or more DONs on your field. Draw 1 card and this Character gains Rush this turn. The draw will always be handy especially when we are discarding cards for the Leader effect. Just like Sanji, you only need to return 1 DON to fully trigger the effect.

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