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Monday, January 20, 2025

OP09 Red (Shanks) Deck Profile

Shanks can be played as a defensive deck depending on how you look at his effect. But it is thanks to the effect, we can play high cost Characters to the field more easily. I've tried to cramp everything into one deck as we've got a lot of great red cards that works with Shanks. Not to mention, we've also got OP10 set coming and finding room to upgrade this deck. So there will be plenty of upgrades for the future.

OP09 Shanks

How it Works?

The deck focus on reducing your opponent's Characters power so we can hit the magic number to KO those Characters with ease. Not only that, I've also added Rush cards, so we can be aggressive whilst wiping your opponent's board. This is pretty much the red style of the deck. Most of the Characters in this build have very high cost curve, but Shanks Leader will let you reduce a card's power once per turn forcing your opponents to use DONs if they want to hit your Leader.

I am thinking of removing Uta as the build have lack of Red Haired Pirates, so you could easily missed the effect. However, I think Uta is our best turn 1 play since the rest of the cards need a few DONs in order to play them. Although, I am not sure what to add if I removed Uta in the build, maybe more removals or reducing power since we can never have enough of those in the build.


The red style of the deck using the Rush cards. This is so we don't have to wait for a turn to attack, and can attack straight away, making your opponents use up their counters or blockers. I have been thinking of running 3 Dragon and 3 OP08 Rayleigh since they both have the same cost, and Dragon can attack straight away whilst Rayleigh needs to wait for the right timing to work. Dragon works on play, attach up to 2 rested DONs to your Leader or 1 of your Characters. This will be very useful as we can power up some of the attacks.

OP09 Shanks has a continuous effect where we reduce all of your opponent's Characters power by 1k. 1k in this game makes a huge difference when it comes to using the counters from our hand. Not to mention, if we can get 2 OP09 Shanks in play, then that's -2k across your opponent's board. We won't need to worry about the beat sticks and can easily defend against them.

Roger has 13k power. Now judging from what I've seen so far, I think Roger is the first 13k base power. 12k base is the maximum we had before, now they made Roger a 13k base. I think it make sense since Roger is the Pirate King, so he is OP. The effect is also great against Blockers with the Rush ability on top. The effect is when your opponents activate a Blocker, if you or your opponent has 0 Life cards, you win the game. Well if we are going for the final push for game, then Roger is effective if your opponent have Blockers on the field, forcing them to use counter cards from their hand instead.

Reducing Power

OP09 Shanks isn't the only card that let us reduce your opponent's Characters as we also have these 4 cards. OP01 Otama has a very simple effect, the effect works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 2k this turn. A nice cheap cost to play if we want to get rid of your opponent's Characters.

Hongo has an activate main effect which I like over on play effects and it is pretty much the same as Otama's effect with some requirements. The effect is you may rest this Character, if your Leader is Red Haired Pirates type, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 2k this turn. Hongo is a nice back up if we don't draw Otama, but we do need Hongo on the field to work since the effect is an activate main.

Yasopp is very nice to have as we have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until the end of your opponent's turn. This means our Leader would have a 6k base power, and since Shanks Leader can reduce your opponent's card by 1k, your opponents will need at least 7k beat stick if they want to hit our Leader. The second effect works when attacking, you will need to attach a DON for the effect to work. Reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 1k this turn. 1k might not be a lot, but if we combine this with other effects, then that 1k will be handy.

OP08 Rayleigh is very deadly with OP09 Shanks. Of course, we will need to play Shanks first then Rayleigh if we want to full KO your opponent's Characters. The effect works on play, select up to 2 of your opponent's Characters, reduce 1 of those Character power by 3k and the other by 2k until the end of your opponent's next turn. Then, KO 1 of your opponent's 3k power or less Characters. This effect last until the end of your opponent's turn, weaking your opponent's attacks and not adding Shanks's Leader effect.


Our power reducers is best paired up with our removals, and these removals are power base. So the more power you can reduce, the more likely you can KO those Characters. Of course there is an exception and that is Roux. Roux is a Blocker with an on KO effect, if your Leader is Red Haired Pirates, KO 1 of your opponent's 6k power or less base Characters. Unfortunately Roux effect won't work with OP09 Shanks, I think they would know that it will be broken if those 2 cards can combine and work together.

Beckman is a card I really like. I personally think if you are playing any red builds you could run him in the build. The effect works on play, trash 1 of your opponent's 6k power or less Characters. Now the effect says trash which means we can get around effects that prevent from KO as well as preventing on KO effects. This is the reason why I think you could run Beckman in other builds if your build does something similar to Shanks build.

ST15 Whitebeard is for extra removal. Beckman only has on play effect but WB on the other hand can be constantly activating as long as he stays on the field. WB have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, attach 1 rested DON to your Leader or 1 of your Characters. This is similar to Dragon's effect where we can power up our cards. The second effect is an activate main, you may rest this Character to KO 1 of your opponent's 5k power or less Characters. We do lose an 8k beat stick, but in return we can clear your opponent's board forcing them to use DONs to play Characters on the field.

Red Haired Pirates Supports

There's not many Red Haired Pirates stuff available for the deck, but then again we don't have much information on Shanks's crew even though they appeared in Marineford. Anyway Uta is a searcher, and Uta is not part of RH Pirates which is why she only has FILM trait. The effect works on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 RH Pirates card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The annoying thing is that she is a FILM Character, but doesn't search for any FILM cards, only RH Pirates.

Limejuice is a very situational card, but if you play him at the right time, it will hurt your opponents. The effect works on play, your opponent cannot activate 1 of their 4k power or less Blocker during this turn. This effect only works against low power Blockers, so if your opponent has 5k power or more Blockers, then Limejuice is useless and will just be in your hand for the 2k Counter.

Other Supports

The cards that's not related to any style of the deck, but act as an additional support. OP01 Sanji can help to trigger Roger's effect by getting us to reach to 0 Life cards stopping your opponents from using Blocker ability. Sanji's effect is an activate main effect, you may add 1 card from your Life area to your hand. This Character gains 2k power this turn. Then, give this Character up to 2 rested DONs. Basically Sanji will be swinging for 7k beat stick for a 2 drop Character, and if you don't want to play Sanji, the 2k counter will be handy.

I am running ST15 Ace for part of his ability. We won't get the full ability because our Leader is not a WB Pirates type. The effect I want to aim at is the once per turn effect. When this Character would be removed from the field by your opponent's effect, you may reduce this Character by 2k power instead. This effect is against any removal effects, yes Ace will become 4k power, but at least we won't completely lose our Character from the field.

We have a second Rayleigh in this game, and the prime Rayleigh as well. OP09 Rayleigh is a Blocker with an on play effect, if your opponent has 2 or more Characters with 5k power or more, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card. We have a Queen like effect for red, however, the timing is very important which is why I am not running 4 copies in the build, as the effect is very situational to pull off.


Lastly the Events of the deck. Both of them are Straw Hat Crew cards, but we don't have any searcher to search them out and would rely on luck to draw into these cards. Bad Manners cost 0 to play, the counter effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 3k power this battle. The effect is very standard as all the colours will have this effect, it is only the trigger effect that is different. The trigger effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Leader or Characters by 3k this turn. The trigger effect combined with Shanks's Leader effect means we can stop up to 2 of your opponent attacks if they don't have the DONs to power up their Characters.

Red Hawk can act as a removal but you will need OP09 Shanks on the field, or use OP08 Rayleigh or Shanks's Leader effect to make full use of Red Hawk. The counter effect is your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 4k power. Then, KO up to 1 of your opponent's 4k power or less Characters. This shouldn't be too difficult if we have Shanks on the field reducing your opponent's Characters power. The trigger effect is reduce your opponent's Leader or 1 of their Characters by 10k this turn. If you want this to hit this trigger effect, then running 4 in the build will increase the chances. But remember trigger effects are luck base unless we got ways to put them into our Life area.

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