Its time to revive an old Leader, Crocodile using some OP09 cards. Those cards would help to change this deck dramatically, so we actually got more beat stick rather than just focusing on Events. Unfortunately I'll be focusing more on the Blue side as we got new BW cards rather than having new purple cards in the build.
OP09 Crocs |
Leader Character (34) Event (16) |
How it Works?
This deck heavily focus on Events, which is why I am running a lot of Events in the build, so we can easily trigger Crocodile's Leader effect to draw a card. The downside is that we need low hand size for this deck to work, so you will need to play the big drop Characters as soon as possible thanks to the ramp cards. Adding the Mr 3 and OP09 Crocodile really helps the deck, as those cards also works with BW Characters and not just Cross Guild, allowing me to update this build.
Both of these cards having BW in the type allow us to search them out from the deck easily. The more cards we ramp, the soon we can get out the big drops to the field. EB01 Bon Clay have two effects, the first effect works on play, add 1 DON as active. The second effect is where we can make Bon Clay a decent beat stick. When attacking, select 1 of your opponent's Characters. This Character base power will become the same as the selected Character power. Bon Clay works the best if your opponent has a high power beat stick on the field.
OP05 Zala can help to reduce our hand if we ended up getting some non counter cards, but at the same time, we can get more DONs to the field. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to add 1 DON as rest. We do want active DONs like Bon Clay, but I guess rest isn't too bad during the early stages of the game. The trigger effect is by returning 1 DON, play this Character. Personally, I wouldn't use the trigger effect unless we have a massive hand, because you won't gain anything from this effect, other than a Character on the field. The 2k counter will be handy even if you don't play Zala, as we will need all the defence we can.
The blue style of the deck which is returning your opponent cards, this can help to prevent the number of attacks your opponents can do. OP06 Pudding is in the build to reduce your opponent's hand size. The effect works on play, your opponent returns all cards in their hand to their deck and shuffles their deck. Then, your opponent draws 5 cards. So the more cards they've got in hand, the better Pudding will come into effect.
OP02 Bon Clay is mainly for the 2k counter, but we do have a 5k beat stick we can use if we play him. You will need to attach a DON onto Bon Clay for the effect to work. The effect work when attacking, you may trash 1 card from your hand to place one 2 cost or less Character at the bottom of the owner's deck. Then, at the end of this battle, place this Character at the bottom of the owner's deck. We don't have much options when it comes to 2 cost or less Characters, but at least OP02 Bon Clay will help to reduce your hand size for Crocodile's Leader effect.
Gravity Blade is a card I prefer over Red Roc, but this is just personal preference as you can run Red Roc instead if you don't like Gravity Blade. The effect is place up to two 6 cost or less Characters to the bottom of the owner's deck in any order. Personally, I am aiming for this main effect as we can reduce the number of attacks your opponent can do. The trigger effect is place one 5 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. This can help to reduce the attacks if needed.
There are 2 different type of searcher, 1 who search your deck, and the other who search the trash. OP09 Mr 3 is the main searcher for BW in their type. The effect works on play, look at top 4 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Cross Guild or card including BW type other than Mr 3 and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. I am not running any Cross Guild cards except OP09 Crocodile, but this shouldn't be difficult to search unless your top cards are all Events.
OP01 All Sunday is a Blocker with an on KO effect. The problem with this card is that the power is very low, and you won't really want to use the effect until we have cards we want in the trash. The on KO effect is if your Leader is BW type, add 1 Event from your trash to your hand. I guess the best thing about this effect is that we can add any Events we want whether they are blue or purple.
Obviously, I am running a lot of Events as this deck focus on Events to work especially the Leader. All these Events all have counter effects, only Gravity Blade can be used on our turn. Jet Gatling and Rain has the exact same counter effect which is you may trash 1 card from your hand, your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 3k power this battle. The only difference will be their trigger effects, Jet Gatling will lets you add a DON as active whilst Rain lets you return one one 2 cost or less Character to the owner's hand.
Okama Way, easier for me to write it like this as it is short and easier to type up, is an Event we want. This card alone makes our Characters become Blockers to stop your opponent's attacks. The counter effect is by returning 1 DON, if your Leader includes BW type, select 1 of your Characters and change the attack target to the selected Character. I would rather have this effect over power, as sometimes power won't be enough to completely stop an attack. The Trigger effect is by returning 1 DON, draw 2 cards. As we run on low hand size, the trigger effect can help you increase your hand size to get the counters to stop your opponent's next attack.
Desert Spada is mainly to combine with our Crocodile's Leader effect as this card will give us the ability to see what we would draw. The counter effect is your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 2k power. Then, look at the top 3 cards of your deck and place them at the top or bottom of your deck in any order. Being a BW type on top will let us search this card out from deck along with Okama Way. The trigger effect is draw 2 cards and trash 1 card, not as good as Okama Way when it comes to increasing hand size, but at least you could filter out the non counter cards from your hand.
Baroque Works Supports
For the BW supports, we've got these cards. Most of them only works if you have a BW type Leader. EB01 Ms Wednesday is a Blocker with an effect that works during your opponent's attacks. By returning 1 DON, if your Leader includes BW type, add 1 DON as active. I am running Ms Wednesday because she will allow us to activate our 1 cost Events if we managed to used up all of our DONs on our turn since using Events in our hand is important for the build.
The more Events we used the better for EB01 Mr 1. There is a continuous effect and that is ff your Leader includes BW type, this Character gains 1k power for every 2 Events in your trash. We are running a grand total of 16 Events in the build, and that is 8k power to Mr 1 power, now that is a lot of power for a 5 cost Character as he will be one of your main beat stick to attack your opponents. The second effect works on play, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. So we could trash more Events if there are odd numbers of Events in your trash.
OP04 Crocodile is the Life gain of the deck, and if we have Life gain, we can last longer to pull off the combos we need. Crocs have two effects, the first effect works on play, by returning 2 DONs, if your Leader includes BW type, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life area. The best thing about this effect is that we don't care what life we are on and we would still get the Life gain ability. The second effect works during your opponent's turn, by returning 1 DON, draw 1 card and trash 1 card. This effect can be helpful to power up Mr 1 even more if needed.
OP09 Crocs is mainly to play our BW Characters for free. We can play most of them from our hand without any trouble with the exception of Crocs Characters as they have high cost. The effect works on play, play up to one 5 cost or less Cross Guild or Character including BW type from your hand. You could use this to play Mr 1, so Mr 1 will be ready to attack on our next turn whilst filtering the hand and gaining draw power. Well I guess it depends on what have you got in your hand.
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