There's only 1 card from OP09 set that would work with Vegapunk. The rest will be the same as my previous build, well maybe with a slight change as this build is more like a YOLO build. Starting with 2 Life will have a drawback which is why we need to make that to give us the advantage for the build.
OP09 Vegapunk |
Leader Character (40) Event (10) |
How it Works?
The deck is still the same where we have the options to add Egghead to the Life area, or play them for free. We also want to be as aggressive as possible, so we do want to have Characters on the field rather than just focusing on the Life area. The more Characters we play, the more DONs we would have left to power up your Characters and attack. The only Life gain card is Yamato and she cost 9 to play, but combined with Vegapunk Leader, we could gain 2 Life in one turn.
As we only got Nami and Luffy as the removals. You do want to reduce your opponent's board as much as possible, simple because we start with 2 Life at the start of the game, and 2 Life can easily be gone with 2 Characters attack and 1 Leader attack if we don't fill it up. But most of the cards in this build need 2 or less Life to work, so it will depends on how you would play this deck, either do Life gain or spam the field.
The Satellites
All these Satellites have 1 thing in common, and that is their trigger effect only works with Vegapunk Leader which make sense since Vegapunk created them. The trigger effect is if your Leader is Vegapunk, play this card. All of these Characters can put a threat to your opponent's Leader whilst playing these cards for free. Lilith is your main searcher, the effect works on play, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Egghead card other than Lilith and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. We can technically play Lilith for 1 thanks to Vegapunk's Leader effect, or you can place her in the Life area and trigger the trigger effect.
Edison only works if you have 2 or less Life, and we have a hand filter effect instead of drawing. But more importantly, we have 2k counter on Edison which will be important for defending rather than playing him on the field. The effect works on play, if you have 2 or less Life, draw 2 cards and trash 2 cards from your hand.
Shaka is just a Blocker to stop your opponent attacks, whilst Atlas can't be KO'd in battle if you have less Life than your opponents. Atlas will be very use if your opponent tries to attack your Characters to reduce your board. Plus it is not hard to have low health than your opponent since Vegapunk only starts with 2 Life at the start of the game.
Straw Hat Supports
Not a lot of Straw Hat in this build but these cards will be enough, but what I like about these Straw Hat is that they are also Egghead supports. OP07 Franky is a Vanilla with a trigger effect. Draw 1 card, then if you have 1 or less Life, play this card. The best thing about this effect is that we can still draw cards even if we don't have 1 or less Life card. You will need 1 or less Life if you want to play Franky to the field. Although if we are not using Franky, just like Edison, the 2k counter will be useful.
OP08 Nami works really well in these kind of builds that focus on trigger effects. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card with trigger from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. Then, if you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw 1 card. You can easily run out of cards from using counters from your hand so the extra draw power will be useful. The trigger effect is just activate this card's on play effect.
OP07 Luffy works really well with Vegapunk as we start with 2 Life, allowing us to trigger the main effect right off the bat. The main effect is an activate main, you may trash this Character, if your Life is 2 or less, KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters, then, draw 1 card. It is 1 cost less than Nami, but if you can KO 4 cost or less Characters, then it is what it is. The Trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters, this is similar to the main effect but without the draw power.
Egghead Supports
This line up is still the same as the previous build, so nothing changed too much, as it will be very hard to remove these cards from the deck to fit new cards. OP08 Bonney works during your turn, but you will need to attach a DON to her for the effect to work. Once per turn, when a card is removed from your opponent's Life cards, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. Now you only need to have Bonney on the field for the effect to work and don't need to attack with her. This will allow us to constantly draw new cards and filtering our hand for counters. The trigger effect is draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. It is up to you if you want to use this effect or not.
S Snake is to slow down your opponent's attacks. Removal won't be enough especially when the removal have specific costs. The effect works on play, 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters other than Luffy cannot attack until the end of your opponent's next turn. However, you will also need to wait to see what your opponents will be having on the field. The trigger effect is activate this card's on play effect which is the exact same as OP08 Nami.
Brilliant Mind is a searcher, the main effect is look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Egghead card other than Brilliant Mind and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of the deck in any order. This will be a great turn 1/2 play to search out the key cards in the build. Also you could search Lilith and Lilith could search Brilliant Mind, thinning the deck, and getting the cards you need. The trigger effect is just draw 1 card. You can always trigger this if you don't need the search.
I requasar help is a 1 drop Event Counter. The counter effect is if you have 2 or less Life cards, your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 3k power this battle. The only downside is that the effect only works when you have 2 or less Life cards, so if you are filling up your Life, this counter effect will be useless. The trigger effect is play one 5 cost or less Egghead Character from your trash, thanks to this effect, we could play cards like Shaka or S Snake to stop 1 of your opponent attacks.
Non Egghead Supports
As for the non Egghead cards, we've got these cards as they can work with this build. ST13 Ace works on play, if you have 2 or less Life cards, this Character gains Rush. Well since Vegapunk starts with 2 Life, we can attack as soon as we played Ace, the more attacks we do, the better as we will struggle against your opponent during the late stages.
OP04 Yamato works amazing with Vegapunk as we can easily trigger her effect. The effect works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal or less the the total cards in both player's Life area. Then, if you have 1 or less Life cards, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. So we could play Yamato first to get the Life gain ability and if we've got spare DONs, we can use Vegapunk's effect to gain another Life, so in 1 turn, we could gain 2 Life in one go.
Dereshi is useful for this build as it is a deck of triggers with the exception of Ace and Yamato, who are the only cards without a trigger effect. Plus it is the only card from OP09 set I've added to this build. The effect is look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to 2 Trigger cards other than Dereshi and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This card can be good especially when we haven't seen our Brilliant Mind or Lilith searcher to search the cards we need. The trigger effect is draw 1 card just like Brilliant Mind.
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