Belo Betty is back with being aggressive as possible thanks to the new Revolutionary Army cards in OP09 set. I think we are getting more support in OP10, although I am not sure about some of them, as you know playing this build has a major drawback and that is the defence. Some of the cards feel like they would work better in Red Yellow Sabo build over Betty.
OP09 Betty |
Leader Character (50) |
How it Works?
As you can see, I tried to cramp as much as possible in one deck as I feel all these cards can play a major role to the build. You do not want to use Betty's Leader effect once you've got 3 Revolutionary Army on the field. If we go aggressive as soon as possible, your opponent will just focus on wiping your field, forcing you to use cards in your hand, or you lose your Characters. Well, compare to the previous builds, we do have more Blockers to stop your opponent attacks, and being Revolutionary Army, we could use them as attackers if needed.
As you can see I am running no Events and just focus on Characters. You will have plenty of left over DONs to power up your Characters or the Leader as we can spam the field pretty easily. The downside is that most of the new cards need you and your opponent's Life to have 5 or less to trigger their Trigger effect. So you will need to take some hit whilst doing some attacks against your opponent's Leader.
Free Play
These cards will let us play Revolutionary Army Characters for free, so we could save up the DONs to power up the Characters or Leader. OP05 Ivankov is an activate main effect, if this Character has 7k power or more, play 1 RA type Character with 5k power or less other than Ivankov from your hand. The downside is that we won't be able to play some of them, but on the bright side, Ivankov also works with DONs power rather than just Betty's Leader effect. So if you hard played Ivankov, if you have enough DONs, then we can give them to Ivankov and trigger the effect to play another Character from hand, and use Betty's Leader effect to power up other Characters who can attack.
OP06 Ivankov cost 5 to play but this shouldn't be too much of a problem. This is different from OP05 ver as we get to play Characters from the deck instead of using the hand. This is way better as we won't need to worry about reducing hand size to play Characters. The effect works on play, look at the top 3 cards of your deck, play 1 RA type Character with 5k power or less. Then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The funny thing is that we can also play OP05 Ivankov, and use OP05 ver effect to play another Character from hand, filling up the field in one go.
OP09 Koala is a Blocker, and having Blockers in the build will be the only way to stop your opponent's attacks completely, rather than using multiple counters. Although I am not a big fan of Koala's effect as we kinda need the Life area. The effect works on play, you may add the top or bottom Life card to your hand to play one 4 cost or less RA from your hand. If you do, draw 1 card. Technically Koala is a card where we could increase our hand size, as we could gain 2 cards whilst playing a 4 cost or less Character to the field, increasing the number of attacks.
Power Reducers
As for the red style of the build, we have the power reducers to reduce as much of your opponent's Characters power as possible, so we can attack into those Characters, rather than your opponents taking out our Characters. Max has the same effect as promo Gordon. The effect is activate main, you may place this Character at the bottom of the owner's deck, reduce your opponent's Leader or 1 of your opponent's Characters by 3k this turn. We could power up Max, use this card to attack, then return Max to the deck to reduce 1 of your opponent's power, so we won't need to worry about Max getting remove.
OP05 Koala has a 2k counter, so even if you don't play her, the 2k counter will be very useful to protect your cards. The effect works on play, if your Leader has RA type, reduce your opponent's Leader or 1 of your opponent's Characters by 3k this turn. This has the exact same amount as Max, so we could take out your opponent's Characters if we need to attack into those cards.
OP05 Karasu is our main card of the deck, we do need this card on the field to make our attacks more effect. Karasu have 2 effects, the first effect works on play, if your Leader has RA type, reduce your opponent's Leader or 1 of your opponent's Characters by 1k this turn. 1k may not be a lot, but when you add power to your cards, then it can make a huge difference. The second effect works when attack, if this Character has 7k power or more, reduce your opponent's Leader or 1 of your opponent's Characters by 1k this turn. The second effect is the main effect I am after as if you got multiple Karasu in play, you could reduce your opponent's Leader power by 2k, and if they don't have Blockers, they will need to use a lot of counters.
Obviously, we need some form of removals combined with our power reducers, so we could remove Blockers who could stop our attacks as we want to be aggressive as possible. OP05 Kuma works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with 2k power or less. 2k power is very low, but we do have Max and Koala who could reduce your opponent's Characters by 3k. The trigger effect is if your Leader is multicoloured, play this card.
OP05 Lindbergh is a great removal as the effect is not an on play effect. The effect works when attacking, if this Character has 7k power or more, KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with 3k power or less. 3k power is a bit better as we could target an higher power Character with our power reducers. The trigger effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand, if your Leader is multicoloured, play this card. Unfortunately, we will be trashing cards from our hand if we want to fill up the field.
Trigger Characters
We also have trigger effects, although I am not too sure about the new trigger effects for RA, but it is still better than nothing. OP09 Karasu is a Blocker, the second Blocker for the deck. The trigger effect is if your Leader is RA type and you and your opponent have a total of 5 or less Life cards. Play this card. This will mean we do need to attack your opponents to reduce their Life cards as long as possible down to 2, so we can trigger this effect.
OP09 Betty only works when you have 2 or less Life, so you need to take some hits or use OP09 Koala's effect to reduce your Life cards. The effect works on play, if you have 2 or less Life cards, draw 1 card. Every draw power we have will benefit us, especially when we can easily run out of cards in our hand. The trigger effect is same as OP09 Karasu, if your Leader is RA type and you and your opponent have a total of 5 or less Life cards. Play this card.
OP05 Morley is mainly against Blockers. No matter how much power we give to our Characters, Blockers can easily stop the attacks, allowing your opponents to save up counters in their hand. The effect works when attacking, if this Character has 7k power or more, your opponents can't activate Blocker during the battle. Morley also cost 3 to play, so you won't need to use a lot of DONs. Of course, your opponent can always let Morley hit and block the other Characters, but this is what we want, reducing your opponent options. The trigger effect is the same as OP05 Lindbergh, you may trash 1 card from your hand, if your Leader is multicoloured, play this card.
OP09 Kuma is just a vanilla, a vanilla with a 2k counter, so he will be important in your hand to stop your opponent's attacks. The trigger effect is the same as OP09 Karasu and Betty, if your Leader is RA type and you and your opponent have a total of 5 or less Life cards. Play this card. This would depend on if you need Characters or not, if not Kuma's 2k counter will be handy.
Revolutionary Army Supports
Now for the additional support of the deck, we've got these cards. OP05 Betty is the standard RA searcher for this deck. The effect works on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 RA card other than Betty, add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. What I also like about this searcher is that she can be powered up with the Leader's effect, making Betty a 5k beat stick to swing at your opponent's Leader.
OP06 Inazuma is mainly to put pressure against your opponents. I am also thinking of running OP06 Onami so we can have double the pressure for the attacks we are doing. The effect is if this Character has 7k power or more, this Character gains Banish. Banish is very useful for this type of deck as we don't want your opponents to gain cards when we hit your opponent's Leader, or trigger their trigger effects that could ruin our attacks.
Dragon is actually a back up for this build. Our main focus is playing low cost Characters so they are ready to attack, however, your opponents can easily focus on wiping our field, forcing us with only the Leader is able to attack. Having Dragon in the deck means we can hit your opponent's Characters with more power and a 9k beat stick which is harder to KO. Dragon has Rush with an on play effect, attach up to 2 rested DONs to your Leader or 1 of your Characters. This effect will help us also trigger the 7k power requirements on some Characters if needed.
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