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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

($30 Build) OP09 Red (Shanks) Budget Deck Profile

Honestly, the RH Pirates stuff are relatively cheap to get, it is mainly the non RH Pirates stuff that makes this deck expensive to build. Of course, I've made this build very different to the main build since we won't be able to afford most of the key cards in the main build. Although, most of the RH Pirates stuff have filled up most of the room for the deck, so I can't really add any other cards I would like to the build.

OP09 Shanks Budget

How it Works?

For this build, I've made Shanks focused more on Events since we don't have much removals when it comes to Characters in this build. There are some cards I want to add, but we would go over $30 budget, so these cards are nice and low for the build. Guard Point is one of the starter deck cards that has got reprinted, which is why I am running it in the build.

The deck heavily focused on reducing your opponent's Characters power, so we could easily KO their Characters if they are rested, or using removal effects. Shanks Leader can also act as an extra defence for this build reducing your opponent's card powers so we can use our counters a lot easier.

Power Reducers

We do have a few more power reducers, however those cards also have other effects whereas these cards just focus on reducing your opponent's Characters power only. Building Snake is basically like promo Gordon or Raise Max, and unfortunately for promo Gordon, you won't be needing the promo unless your builds can run 3 cards with exact same effect. The effect is an activate main where you place this Character at the bottom of your deck to reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 3k this turn.

Otama got reprinted, so this card won't be expensive anymore for red builds and can easily be bought very cheaply, unless the seller decided to sell Otama for expensive price. The effect works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 2k this turn. If we are not planning to play Otama, then her 2k counter will be very handy.

Another 2k counter Character who is also very handy is Hongo. Now Hongo's effect is an activate main effect, so we can play him and then wait to use his effect when the time is right unlike Otama. The effect is you may rest this Character, if your Leader is RH Pirates type, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 2k this turn.

Honestly, I expected OP09 Shanks to be a bit more pricey but looks like the card is cheap enough to be run in a budget build. OP09 Shanks has Rush, so we can attack as soon as he hits the field, as well as having a continuous effect. The effect is reduce all of your opponent's Characters power by 1k. 1k may not be a lot, but it makes a huge difference during your opponent's attacks as if they don't have enough power, they will need DONs to power up those Characters.


I assume Benn Beckman won't stay cheap for very long as the effect is very useful with power reducers, so he might be removed in future builds if you don't have the cards. Anyway, these cards won't be your only removals as we also have the Events, but those will be in a different section. Roux is the Blocker of the deck with an on KO effect. The on KO effect is if your Leader is RH Pirates, KO 1 of your opponent's 6k base power or less Characters. Unfortunately, this doesn't work with power reducer as we only can aim for base power Characters and not over 6k power Characters.

Well, I guess this is where Beckman kicks in as Beckman doesn't target base power, but 6k power or less instead. The effect works on play, trash 1 of your opponent's 6k power or less Characters. Having an effect that says trash is so much better than KO effects, which is why I am surprised at the current price of Beckman, and won't be shock if this card will go up in future.

Lastly, we've got OP06 Shanks, of course, I would rather have OP09 Shanks on the field as OP09 version has a much better effect than just a simple KO effect. The effect works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's 10k power or less Characters. 10k power is a lot, especially if we can combined with our activate main power reducers to KO Characters who have 12k power or more. Also nice for the budget deck since OP06 Shanks doesn't cost too much for 1 copy in the build.


What I am surprised about is OP02 Negate aka Whitebeard. Before WB was an expensive card, but now, we can include him into budget build as the price has dropped far enough. Anyway, both of these cards has some relation which is powering up your Leader, making the Leader even more unhittable especially combined with the Leader's effect. Yasopp has 2 effects, the first effect works on play, 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until the end of your opponent's turn. This means our Leader would have a 6k base power, and since Shanks Leader can reduce your opponent's card by 1k, your opponents will need at least 7k beat stick if they want to hit our Leader. The second effect works when attacking, you will need to attach a DON for the effect to work. Reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 1k this turn.

OP02 WB also has 2 effects like Yasopp, the first effect works on play, 1 of your Leader gains 2k power until the start of your next turn. The other part of the effect will be useless as we don't run any cards that add Life cards to our hand. The second effect works when attacking, but you will need to attach 2 DONs to WB for the effect to work, KO 1 of your opponent's 3k power or less Characters. This can easily be done with the power reducers in the build.

Red Haired Pirates Supports

For the rest of the RH Pirates support, we've got these cards, although Uta is a FILM Character, and I don't really class her as a RH Pirate as this was added very late in the series. Anyway OP09 Uta works on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 RH Pirates card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This is just our standard searcher we can use for our turn 1 play.

Limejuice's effect would work the best with power reducers, but only against very specific Characters. The effect works on play, your opponent cannot activate 1 of their 4k power or less Blocker during this turn. Of course, not every build will be running Blockers, so Limejuice will be a vanilla and just be used for the 2k counter in your hand.

Come On is another searcher we can use other than playing Uta, since we do want to get the cards we need to make this build work for a budget build. The effect is look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 RH Pirates card other than Come On and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The trigger effect is just draw 1 card, this might be handy if you don't need the search at all for the build.


As the non RH Pirates cards are very pricey for the build, I've decided to go with the Events route, by running more Events in the build to activate a certain card. Guard Point got reprinted which is why I am running it in the build, however, you can replace Guard Point with Radical Beam if you feel like Radical Beam would be better. The counter effect is your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 3k power this battle. Just a simple effect, and won't require you to have 2 or less Life cards like Radical Beam to get the full effect. The trigger effect is your Leader or 1 of your Character gains 1k power this turn, powering up Shanks Leader to strengthen our defences.

OP05 Fire Fist is mainly just a power reducers, however if you want to use the full effect, then we need to get down to 2 or less Life cards to work. The effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 4k power this turn. Then, if you've got 2 or less Life cards, KO 1 of your opponent's 0 power or less Characters. The 0 power shouldn't be too difficult with the amount of power reducers in the build. The trigger effect is activate this card's main effect, allowing us to reduce the number of attacks that could hit and potentially KO them if we combined with OP09 Shanks or Shanks's Leader effect.

OP03 Fire Fist is the main reason why I am running more Events in the build. The effect is you may trash 1 Event from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5k power or less Characters and 1 of your opponent's 4k power or less Characters, allowing us to KO 2 Characters in one go. This is actually very easy to do in this deck where we focus on power reducing, but the only downside to this card is that we need an Event in our hand. The trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 5k power or less, and this can be deadly with OP09 Shanks or Shanks Leader effect.

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