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Friday, February 21, 2025

[One Piece Card Information Bureau] OP11 Fist of Godspeed Unboxing Video

This video is nothing special, just an unboxing video of the OP11 set that is coming out in the JP Format. I am looking forward to this set, mainly because I want to build a Shirahoshi deck, and Fishman/Merfolk do have some pretty powerful cards we can use. I won't post every single cards revealed in this video, otherwise it will make this post very long. Some of them are vanillas, and I won't know how to discuss vanilla cards, and some of them have already been revealed in JP OPTCG tweet.

Vinsmoke Ichiji

Blue Character (OP11-043) C

7 Cost / 7000 (Strike)

Vinsmoke Family / Germa 66 


[On Your Opponent's Attack] [Once Per Turn] If you only have {Germa} type Characters on your field, you may activate this effect: Up to 1 of your Leaders or Characters gains +1000 power during this battle. Then, trash 2 cards from the top of your deck.

More Germa 66 supports, so we don't have to rely on the Foxy Engine from OP07 and Maria in OP08. Those cards are good, but having new Germa supports will be better. Ichiji would only work if you only have Germa on the field, so mixing with other cards may be a bad idea, unless we don't play them when we've got this Ichiji on the field. This isn't just a 7k Blocker, but we can also power up the Leader and mill cards. I am not sure about milling since we do want specific cards and not random cards, but the Blocker and power can definitely help.

I Am!!! The Man Who Will Become a Navy Officer!!! 

Black Event (OP11-099) R

1 Cost 

East Blue / Navy 

[Main] Look at 3 cards from the top of your deck; reveal up to 1 {Navy} type card other than [I Am!!! The Man Who Will Become a Navy Officer!!! ] and add it to your hand. Then, trash the rest. 

[Trigger] Activate this card’s [Main] effect.

So, this Navy search is just like Brannew, and looks like we haven't got a proper Navy searcher still. Although, mill is good as we get to set up the trash to use some of different card's effects. Also, I forgotten if its Admiral for Koby speech as I am sure its not just a Navy Officer.

Fisher Tiger

Green Character (OP11-035) C

6 Cost / 7000 Power (Strike)

[Counter +1000]

Fish-Man / Fish-Man Island / Sun Pirates

When this Character is K.O.'d by 1 of your opponent's effects, you may rest 1 DON!! card. If you do, play up to 1 {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type Character card with a cost of 4 or less from your hand.

[On Play] Rest up to 1 of your opponent's Characters.

This is not bad, not only he is a 7k beat stick for a 6 drop Character, we have like a KO effect and on play effect. The on play effect is just a simple rest effect, but we can rest any Character we want. However, that is not what I am looking at, as I am looking at Tiger's KO'd effect where we can refill the field and trigger some on play effects during your opponent's turn as well as not need to waste 4 DONs to fill up the field on your turn. I guess the only downside is that he need to be KO'd by an effect and not by anything else.


Yellow Character (OP11-106) R

2 Cost / 2000 Power (Special)

[Counter +2000]

Homies / Big Mom Pirates

[On Play] You may add 1 card from top or bottom of your Life cards to your hand: KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with 5 cost or less.

As soon as I read this effect, I was thinking to use this in Enel build as Enel needs low health to work as well as Zeus is a removal, a 2k counter at that one. Although, there is another Leader that can also benefit Zeus's effect and that is the Starter Big Mom who also needs low health to work, and since that build runs the Big Mom Pirates engine, searching Zeus will be pretty easy.


Black Character (OP11-086) C

3 Cost / 5000 Power (Strike)

[Counter +1000]

Caribou Pirates

[On Play] Trash 1 card from your hand.

[Activate: Main] You may trash this Character: Play up to 1 [Caribou] with a cost of 4 or less from your trash.

We've got Coribou the younger brother of Caribou. The effect makes us trash 1 card. I feel like I could use this in Rebecca build since Rebecca needs 6 or less hand size to work, and Coribou could be perfect. Plus he is also a 3 drop with 5k power which is not bad. Although, I don't think Caribou would be good.

Kurozumi Orochi

Black Character (OP11-085) C

3 Cost / 4000 Power (Wisdom)

[Counter +1000]

Land of Wano / Kurozumi Clan

[On Play] Add up to 1 {SMILE} type card with a cost of 5 or less from your trash to your hand.

Do we have enough Smile cards for Black card pool? I know we've got plenty for purple thanks to OP10. I guess, I could mix it with a purple/black Leader like King if we don't have enough. Anyway, Orochi is just a simple searcher from the trash like 1 of the Moria cards. Nothing else I could expand on this effect.

Gum Gum King Cobra 

Blue Event (OP11-059) C

1 Cost

Straw Hat Crew

[Counter] Up to 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains +2000 power during this battle. Then, if your hand has 4 or less cards, that card gains an additional +2000 power.

[Trigger] Return up to 1 Character with a cost of 2 or less to the owner’s hand. 

This is interesting, it is basically Radical Beam for blue. I think I am using this in Nami mill build as that build can tend to get low hand size during mid to late game, making the perfect use for this counter effect to trigger. I'll take it. I think we can get low hand size, but Blue does have a lot of draw power cards, so this is more like a late game effect if we can't discard enough cards easily.


Purple Character (OP11-076) C

5 Cost / 5000 Power (Slash)

[Counter +1000]

Impel Down

[On Play] If your Leader has the {Impel Down} type, you may play 1 {Impel Down} type Character with a cost of 3 or less from your hand.

This is the one support I didn't expect, but Impel Down decks need it as they haven't have support for a while since EB01 I think. This card is not bad as we get to spam Characters for free. Who knows, you could play Sadi to play a Jailer Beast from your hand, so in 1 turn, we would have 3 Characters in play, all for 5 DONs. Hannyabal is also a Blocker, so we can block any attack without worrying about counters.


Green Character (OP11-023) R

7 Cost / 7000 Power (Slash)

Fish-Man / Fish-Man Island / Sun Pirates

If your Leader has the {Fish-Man} type, you have 3 or less Life cards, and your opponent has 5 or more rested cards on your opponent's field, give this card in your hand -3 cost.

[Trigger] Rest up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 4 or less. 

It is a shame that Arlong only works with Fishman Leader, but the requirement is more of a mid game, since I assuming this card would works with DONs as well since DONs are class as cards. This would be very good, and will be a 7k beat stick for 4 DONs, plus this is only a rare compare to OP07 Sanji's SR rarity, although I think because Sanji's effect is a lot easier to trigger compare to Arlong which is why Arlong is only a R and Sanji is SR. 

Vinsmoke Yonji

Blue Character (OP11-046) C

4 Cost / 5000 Power (Strike)

[Counter +1000]

Vinsmoke Family / Germa 66

If you only have {Germa} type Character cards on your field, this Character cannot be K.O.'d or rested by your opponent's effects.

Looks like I might have to build a full Germa build with a splash of non Germa cards if I want to trigger these new Germa's effects. Yonji is not bad, personally is a bit better than the purple version they gave us, and this Yonji can't be rest or KO'd by effects, giving us a Blocker we can use. Well I guess there's always trashing and returning Yonji, but those are very specific type of decks we would be playing against.

You're Not My Type............!!

Yellow event (OP11-115) UC

1 Cost

Merfolk / Fish-Man Island

[Counter] If your Leader is [Shirahoshi], up to 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains +4000 power during this battle.

[Trigger] K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 2 or less.

I'll take this Event as the only requirement is having Shirahoshi as a Leader and you will have that 4k power. But the trigger effect is definitely disappointing as we can only KO 2 cost or less. Well I guess you have to make some sacrifices so this card won't be too OP.


Red character (OP11-027) C

1 Cost / 1000 Power (Slash)

[Counter +1000]


[Activate: Main] You may rest this Character: If your Leader has the {Navy} type, up to 1 of your Characters with the {Navy} type gains +2000 power during this turn.

Tashigi is very useful, we could power up our Navy cards. Although there is a lot more requirements for the power boost, but I would take it anyway as power boosts can makes a difference. The only downside is that she will definitely be an attack target, especially being a 1k base power, so your opponents can use their low power to swing at this card.


Yellow Character (OP11-107) C

5 Cost / 6000 Power (Strike)

Sea King

[Counter +1000]

[Activate: Main] (Once Per Turn) If your Leader is [Shirahoshi], you may turn 1 card from the top of your Life cards face-down: At the end of your turn, set this Character as active.

Looks like we've finally got the names of the Sea Kings. I don't know their name since they've only had like few appearance in the series. Anyway, I like the effect, not only this is a Blocker, but we can make use of Shirahoshi's effect by flipping Life cards face down, so we can use Shirahoshi's effect again. Looks like triggering her effect will be pretty consistent to play Sea Kings for free. Not only that Topknot here can untap itself, so we can use the Blocker ability on your opponent's turn.

When Two Men Are Fighting...!!! The Last Thing I Need Is Some Half-Assed Assistance!!!

Purple Event (OP11-079) 

1 Cost 

Big Mom Pirates 

[Counter] You may declare a cost. Reveal 1 card from the top of your opponent's deck. If the revealed card has the same cost as the declared cost, up to 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains +5000 power during this battle. 

[Trigger] Draw 1 card.

Sometimes I think choosing quotes from the series can make these cards name very long. Luckily, we don't have to say the full card name, or else we can be here all day if we stack a deck with long card names. Anyway, I like the effect, much more powerful Event we've seen so far. Literally it is 5k power boost. Of course we need to know the cost of your opponent's top deck, but we have plenty of cards who can help us check the top cards of your opponent's deck from this OP11 set. The trigger effect is just draw 1 card. I mainly want the counter effect unless I really need the hand size and the cards.

Gear 2 

Purple Event (OP11-080) R

1 Cost 

Straw Hat Crew

[Main] You may rest 2 of your DON!! cards: If your Leader has the color Blue, add 1 DON!! card from your DON!! deck and set it as rest. 

[Counter] Up to 1 of your Leader gains +3000 power during this battle.

Its been a while since I last saw Luffy used Gear 2 in the series, he's been spamming Gear 4 and Gear 5 lately. Unfortunately, we can't use this with purple Luffy, even though it is a Straw Hat card. But what I can use this in a lot of multi colour blue/purple build like Kaido or Reiju, as we have ramp effect as well as counter effect, so those builds might benefit from both effect. I can still think of which builds might be able to use this card even though Gear 2 is for very specific build.


Black Character (OP11-088) C

4 Cost / 5000 Power (Special)

[Counter +1000]


[Once Per Turn] When your opponent's Character attacks, you may activate this effect. If that Character has the <Slash> attribute, this Character gains +5000 power during this battle.

Not bad, a 5k Blocker with the possibility of being a 10k Blocker if your opponents rush Slash Characters. There are a lot of Slash Characters unless they have this 1 build who doesn't run Slash Characters. I know a few builds that might not run any Slash Characters, but those builds aren't meta, so playing against them will just means unlucky for Shu's effect.


Red Character (OP11-006) C

5 Cost / 6000 Power (Strike)

[Counter +1000]

FILM / Neo Navy

[DON!!x1][When Attacking] Give up to 1 of your opponent’s Characters with the <Special> attribute -5000 power during this turn.

Looks like we also got more FILM supports for Uta build, although I am not too sure about this effect, since we can only target Special attribute Characters, but I think Special attribute Characters will be more common in decks, so we might be able to trigger the effect. If not, Z is a 6k beat stick we could use to swing, and can be played early, thanks to Uta's Leader effect who can ramp DONs.

Charlotte Brulee

Purple Character (OP11-069) R

3 Cost / 4000 Power (Special)

[Counter +1000]

Big Mom Pirates

[On Play] You may add 1 card from top of your Life cards to your hand: If your Leader has the {Big Mom Pirates} type, add up to 1 DON!! card from your DON!! deck and set it as active. 

Personally, I feel like this card is made for Pudding Leader rather than Katakuri, but wouldn't cause any harm to run this in both builds. Brulee is just a ramp card with the ability to reduce your Life cards. Of course, there are other ramp cards to choose from, but Brulee is one of the ramp cards who let us have active DONs instead of rested DONs.


Yellow Character (OP11-102) UC

1 Cost / 1000 Power (Wisdom)

[Counter +2000]

Merfolk / Fish-Man Island

[Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When your opponent activates an Event or [Trigger], you may activate this effect. If your opponent has 2 or more Life cards, trash 1 card from you and your opponent's Life cards. 

I'm not sure about Camie. Sure, she has a 2k counter, but the effect could actually make us lose if we are not aggressive enough. Although, there might be some uses for this card, maybe in Enel build, but not really sure about others. But I could be wrong, and could find this really useful in builds.

Honesty Impact 

Red Event (OP11-018) R

6 Cost 

Navy / SWORD 

[Main] Give up to 1 of your opponent's Characters -4000 power during this turn. Then, K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with 6000 power or less. 

[Trigger] K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with 6000 power or less.

This is quite a strong effect, I could use this in red Ace build as I think red Ace could definitely make use of this Event. Not only it is a removal, but we can reduce your opponent's Characters by 4k. So we can target your opponent's 10k power Characters and try and remove them. If they are have more power, we would need to combine with our power reducers to make the effect work.

Roronoa Zoro

Red Character (OP11-016) UC

5 Cost / 6000 Power (Slash)

[Counter +1000]

Straw Hat Crew

[Activate: Main][Once Per Turn] Give up to 1 rested DON!! card to your Leader or 1 of your Characters.

This is just ST01 Nami but being a beat stick instead. This could work with our old ST01 Luffy Leader, or this will go with the latest ST21 Luffy Leader as both Leader will still rely on DONs to work. Nothing else I can talk about for this card.

Gum Gum Elephant Gatling

Green Event (OP11-036) R

1 Cost

Fish-Man Island / Supernovas / Straw Hat Crew

[Main] You may rest 1 of your DON!! cards: Rest up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with a cost of 5 or less.

[Counter] Up to 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains +3000 power during this battle.

This Event is similar to Gear 2 where we can use the main effect as well as the counter effect. Looking at the type, we can use this in Straw Hat and Supernova builds as well, and not only just Fishman builds. Although I am thinking to use this in Doffy build, since you only pay 2 DONs in total to rest your opponent's Characters, and Doffy can untap 2 DONs at the end of your turn, making the perfect combination.


Green Character (OP11-024) C

4 Cost / 5000 Power (Slash)

[Counter +1000]

Merfolk / Fish-Man Island / Sun Pirates

When this Character is K.O.'d by 1 of your opponent's effects, you may trash 1 card from your hand and rest 1 DON!! card. If you do, play up to 1 {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type Character card with a cost of 6 or less from your hand.

Technically, this card is just a vanilla until your opponents can KO Aladdin with effects. Personally, I would just run Fisher Tiger over Aladdin, unless you have the room to use Aladdin in the build. But I guess, it can reduce your opponent's KO options as we could bring a 6 drop to the field for free if they do KO Aladdin with effect, like OP11 Jinbe.

Gum Gum Red Hawk

Yellow Event (OP11-114) R

1 Cost

Straw Hat Crew

[Main] You may rest 3 DON!! cards: If you and your opponent's total Life cards is 5 or more, K.O. up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with an original cost of 5 or less.

[Counter] Up to 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains +3000 power during this battle.

I'm pretty sure we've already got Red Hawk in the game, or I'm remembering it wrong. Anyway, I'm kinda disappointed with the main effect. Not only we need to rest 3 DONs, but both players need 5 or more Life cards in order for you to KO 1 5 cost or less Characters. That is a lot of requirements. But I guess we can always use the counter effect during the late game, so you win some and you lose some with this card.


Yellow Character (OP11-112) UC

3 Cost / 2000 Power (Wisdom)

[Counter +1000]

Animal / Fish-Man Island

[Opponent's Turn] If your Leader is [Shirahoshi], this Character gains +4000 power.

So basically, we would have a 6k Blocker and of course, would work best with Shirahoshi builds. Not bad for a 3 drop, we can stall the game as much as possible so we can bring out the big drop Sea Kings to the field, since Shirahoshi is a midrange build, won't do much in the early turns, so we need to stall.


Green Character (OP11-036) UC

4 Cost / 5000 Power (Strike)

Sea King

[Counter +1000]

[On Play] If your Leader is [Shirahoshi], look at 5 cards from the top of your deck; reveal up to 1 [Shirahoshi] or {Sea King} type card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.

Not bad, more searching for Sea King. I do think Shirahoshi build might have a lot of searchers to search out the cards we might need. I guess the only thing I might need to worry about is the room, do I have enough room to fit both key Fishman cards and Sea King in the build. At the moment, it looks like it will be very cramped with cards.

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