Now, unlike the Blue/Purple Crocodile who got major upgrade from OP09 set, this version of Crocodile only a one card update. Although that 1 card is optional for this Crocodile build as this would mean we will be sacrificing some numbers to fit the new card in the build. The OP08 version of this deck is pretty defensive, and I would actually stick with the OP08 version. With this build, I have to change some cards around to suit the new card in the deck. Well it is up to you if you want to try this build or not.
OP09 Crocodile |
Leader Character (39) Event (11) |
How it Works?
This deck is very simple as we want to ramp as much as possible to get our big drop to the field and still getting Life gain. We want to return DONs during your opponent's turn, so we can use our 1 drop Event Counter to provide a strong defence. I've decided to focus on trigger effects for this build because of Dereshi from OP09 set who lets you add trigger card to your hand, acting as a second searcher to our BW searcher. Although, we don't have a turn 1 play unless you have 2 DONs.
The ramp is the same as previous build, and more importantly, they are also BW Characters, so we can search them out with our BW searcher. Ms Wednesday is actually not a ramp card, but if we combined with Crocodile's Leader effect, then her effect becomes a ramp effect. Wednesday is a Blocker with an effect that works on your opponent's turn. By returning 1 DON, if your Leader includes Baroque Works type, add 1 DON as active. This effect combined with Crocodile's Leader effect means we can get 2 active DONs during your opponent's turn which is not bad at all.
Mr 13 & Ms Friday is very useful as most of our BW Characters have low base power, so they won't be able to do much hit without powering them up with DONs. The effect is an activate main effect, you may trash this Character and 1 BW Character to add 1 DON as active. This is just in case you need some extra ramp as we have plenty of returning DONs effects in this build. The trigger effect is just play this card.
EB01 Bon Clay is an expensive card even though this is supposed to be fun deck, as we can see this card mainly used in a lot of purple builds who need ramps. Bon Clay have 2 effects, the first effect works on play add 1 DON as active. This is just a simple ramp effect. The second effect works when attacking, select 1 of your opponent's Characters. The second effect allows Bon Clay to act as another deadly beat stick if your opponent got a high power Character on the field.
OP05 Zala is just a back up to Bon Clay ramp, as we want active DON over rested DONs in this build. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to add 1 DON as rest. The best thing is after you finished using Zala's effect, you can use Mr 13 & Ms Friday's effect to trash Zala and themselves for another DON, giving you 2 DONs in one turn whilst opening up your board for other Characters. The Trigger effect is by returning 1 DON, play this card. Thanks to this effect, we could gain an active DON using Crocodile Leader effect.
Lastly, our final ramp card is OP04 Ms All Sunday, now to use the effect fully, we need certain amount of DONs to work, rather than just playing her for the ramp effect. The effect works on play, add 1 DON as rest, then if you have 6 or more DONs, draw 1 card. The extra draw power will always help, but we do need 6 or more DONs on the field, and this shouldn't be hard to do with the amount of ramp in the build. The trigger effect is by returning 2 DONs, you can play this card. If we combined this with Crocodile's Leader effect, she will only cost you 1 DON to play which is not bad to have a 5k beat stick whilst triggering the on play effect.
Life Gain
What this deck mainly has is the access to Life gain cards, and some of them are mainly purple cards too. You can add more as there are still spaces if you feel like removing some cards in this build, so we could strengthen this deck Life gain ability. Kiku is a card that will need Life cards requirement in order for the effect to work. The effect works on KO, if your opponent has 3 or less Life cards, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life cards. The best thing about Kiku is that we have ways to force your opponents to KO Kiku, triggering the effect. The Trigger effect is if your opponent has 3 or less Life, play this card.
OP04 Crocodile is one of our best Life gain cards, as we can gain a Life no matter how many Life cards we've got. Crocodile comes with 2 effects, the first effect works on play, by returning 2 DONs, if your Leader includes BW type, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life cards. You only need to have a BW Leader to trigger the Life gain. The second effect works during your opponent's attacks, by returning 1 DON, draw 1 card and trash 1 card from your hand. This is just a hand filter effect, but we would gain an active DON thanks to Crocodile Leader's effect.
OP08 Big Mom is another card that doesn't really care about the Life requirement to gain a Life card. The effect works on play, by returning 1 DON and trashing 1 card from your hand. Add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. Then, add 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters to their top or bottom of the Life area face up. I guess the only downside is that your opponent also gain a Life, but at least we get to remove one of their Characters.
For searchers, we have 2 different way of searching to search the cards we need. Both of them aren't low cost, so you will need to use up some DONs, but at least we can search our deck. Mikita works on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 card with type including BW and add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Mikita can search herself out if you failed at searching the cards you want as well as we can use Mr 13 & Ms Friday's effect to trash Mikita for the extra DONs. The trigger effect is just by returning 1 DON, you can play this card. Technically, this effect will be free when we combined this with Crocodile Leader's effect.
The reason why I've made this build focus more on trigger effect is because I have added Dereshi from OP09 set. Most of the BW cards have trigger effect, allowing Dereshi to search those cards from your deck. The effect is look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to 2 Trigger cards other than Dereshi and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. There are some non trigger cards in this build, but they are at a low number compare to trigger cards. The trigger effect is draw 1 card increasing your hand size.
Trigger Characters
The only thing changed for this build is that I've added OP08 Nami for the extra removal. The other is Bege which is in the previous build, so nothing changed for this one. OP04 Bege only has a Trigger effect which is your opponent's Leader or1 of your opponent's Characters cannot attack during this turn. Even if you got Bege in your hand, we have the 2k counter for defence or we can use this as a discard fodder for OP08 Nami.
OP08 Nami was the reason why I mainly focused more on trigger Characters in the build. Mainly because I have also added Dereshi, increasing your chances of searching trigger Characters. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card with trigger from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. Then, if you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw 1 card. I don't know about hand size, unless, you've been using counters, but that extra KO effect is definitely useful as we don't have removals. The trigger effect is just activate this card's on play effect.
These 3 Events are still the same and I wouldn't really change it. They are all useful for this build. Who Should Disappear is yellow 0 cost Event Counter. The counter effect is the same as any other colours. You may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 3k power this battle. What's different between these cards will be their trigger effects, and this trigger effect is if you have 0 Life, you may add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. Then, trash 1 card from your hand. You will need to rely on luck for this trigger effect as we've got no way of knowing if this card would be your last Life card.
Okama Way is very nice to have in this build especially when the effect works amazingly with Kiku. The counter effect is by returning 1 DON, if your Leader includes BW type, select 1 of your Characters and change the attack target to that Character. This can act as a Blocker where we can redirect the attacks to our other Characters like Kiku for example to trigger the On KO effect and gain a Life. The trigger effect is by returning 1 DON, draw 2 cards. This is very nice to have, although I would prefer the counter effect as it can act as a protection.
Blast Breath is really strong for this kind of build especially when we can make use of returning DONs back to deck and then add a DON to active again thanks to Crocodile's Leader effect. The effect is by returning 1 DON, your Leader or 1 of your Characters gain 4k power during this battle. The best thing is that there are no restrictions to gain that 4k power boost, yes we do lose a DON, but that doesn't matter too much for this build.
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