We've got new Kid Pirates supports in OP09 set, however, they are very disappointing, so I won't be using some of them. Instead, this build came from RP Luffy idea where we focus on powering up the Leader, and make this build a power base deck instead of using the new Kid Pirates stuff. Personally, with the right set up this deck could be deadly, but you do need set up to work, compare to other decks.
OP09 Kid |
Leader Character (48) Event (2) |
How it Works?
As you can see, this build focus heavily on ramp, so we could play our high cost Characters as soon as possible, but also using Kid's Leader effect to swing for decent power. I tried to cramp as much as possible in one deck, and as there are lack of Blockers, you will be focusing on the counters and removals to reduce your opponent's board. This deck does take time to set up especially OP09 Killer who lets you untap Kid Leader to attack again, but combine with Punk Rotten, Kid Leader can easily hit over 10k twice in one turn. This is mainly my finisher move if other Characters doesn't do the job at mowing down your opponent's Life cards.
As you can see for this build, I have focused heavily on ramping the DONs. The more DONs we can ramp, the sooner we can play our big drop Characters as well as using Kid's Leader effect. OP09 Kid is a great addition to the build as this card works the best with Kid Leader. The effect works on play, you may add the top of your Life card to your hand, if your Leader is Kid Pirates, add 1 DON as active. Not only we can get the ramp, but we can also reduce our Life cards, since Kid Leader needs 3 or less Life cards if you want that power.
EB01 Bon Clay is very standard as he is another card that can ramp for this build, so I'll just be copying and pasting what I wrote. Bon Clay have 2 effects, the first effect works on play add 1 DON as active. This is just a simple ramp effect. The second effect works when attacking, select 1 of your opponent's Characters. This Character's base power becomes the same power as the selected Character during this turn. So Bon Clay can act as a beat stick if you need more attackers on the field.
I am still using Zala in case you need the extra ramp, but mainly for the 2k counter we can use during the counter step. It won't cause you any harm to run more ramp in the deck, in fact, the more ramp, the better for this build. Zala works on play, by trashing 1 card in your hand, you can add 1 DON as rested. The DON will be rested which is the downside for this card, which is why you only play Zala if you don't see your other ramp cards. The trigger effect is by returning 1 DON, you can play this card. We mainly want Zala in our hand as this effect won't gain anything except having an extra body on the field.
OP05 Kid is the only Blocker in the deck, but mainly because, we can search Kid from the deck if we needed. The effect is when a DON on your field is returned to DON deck, add 1 DON as active. We will be doing a lot of returning DONs, easily triggering this effect to gain that extra DON and use it to power up your Leader or your Characters.
The way how these power cards work is that we can use it for both defensive and offense strategy. Of course, most of them has a high cost curve which is why I am running a lot of ramp in the build, so we can play these cards as soon as possible. OP01 Sanji is another card along with OP09 Kid in taking the Life cards away as Kid Leader will need 3 or less Life to get a 5k base Leader. The effect is an activate main effect, you may add 1 card from your Life to your hand, this Character gains 2k power this turn, then give this Character up to 2 rested DONs. So in total, we could make Sanji a 7k beat stick in total, however, another benefit will be the 2k counter as we are running lack of Blockers in this build.
Yasopp is pretty much the same reason as my RP Luffy build where we want the power bonus to power up Kid. Yasopp has 2 effects, the first effect works on play, 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until the end of your opponent's turn, making Kid Leader 6k base power during your opponent's turn. The second effect works when attacking, you will need to attach a DON for the effect to work. Reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 1k this turn. This effect will also be handy as I am running some removals in this deck.
ST10 Kid is the main card we want to have on the field, so we can constantly power up the Leader, and also we can easily search this card from deck. The effect works on play or when attacking, by returning 1 DON, up to 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until start of your next turn. Of course combined with Kid Leader, we will be returning 2 DONs, but this deck has plenty of ramp, so returning DONs won't after you too much.
OP02 WB is our main beat stick of the deck, only WB is a 10k beat stick, the rest of the cards have low power as they are mainly support of the deck. WB has 2 effects, the first effect works on play, up to 1 of your Leader gains 2k power until start of your next turn. Then, you cannot add Life cards to your hand using your own effect. The last part of the effect doesn't matter as we don't have cards that can add to hand from Life area at the end of our turn. This would make Kid Leader a 7k base, but 9k beat stick when Kid attacks. The second effect works when attacking, KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with 3k or less power. An extra removal if we want to.
Punk Rotten is like a last resort as it is part of a combo to finish off your opponents. The effect is, by returning 1 DON, 1 of your Kid Pirates type Leader or Characters gain 5k power this turn. Of course, you don't need to use it on your Kid Leader, and focus on your other Kid Pirates Character instead, if you feel like you could finish off your opponents on that turn with Punk Rotten. The trigger effect is add 1 DON as active, but I mainly want to use this card's main effect.
Power Reducers
This deck doesn't only have power boosts, but we can also focus on reducing your opponent's Characters to make them easier to KO. Remember, we rarely run any Blockers, so we need to rely on alternative methods to stop your opponent's attacks. OP01 Otama has a very simple effect, the effect works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 2k this turn. However, she also has a 2k counter which is also another reason why I am running Otama in the build.
Another power reducer is OP08 Rayleigh. Now for Rayleigh, I don't know if I want to run 1 copy, or 2 copies, but at the moment, I like Rayleigh at one since my priority is other high cost Characters over Rayleigh's effect unless I really need to use him. The effect works on play, select up to 2 of your opponent's Characters, reduce 1 of those Character power by 3k and the other by 2k until the end of your opponent's next turn. Then, KO 1 of your opponent's 3k power or less Characters. As Rayleigh on cost 8, you will have enough DONs to play Otama and use Yasopp's effect to reduce your opponent's Characters power.
The one way of stopping your opponent's attacks, or reducing the number of attacks they can do will be relying on our removals. Although, I am not maximizing most of these removals because of their costs. OP06 Kamazo is mainly for the 2k counter and being a Kid Pirate, making the searcher can search out this card. The effect will be difficult to use in this kind of build as we don't have the right tools to fully make use of the effect. The effect is when a DON is returned to your DON deck, KO up to 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters. You can only KO 2 cost or less Characters.
ST15 WB is a removal I like, as this is more of a constantly removal as long as ST15 WB is on the field. WB has 2 effects just like the OP02 version, the first effect works on play, attach 1 rested DON to your Leader or 1 of your Characters. This effect is very useful as we want Kid Leader to hit with as much power as possible. The second effect is an activate main, you may rest this Character to KO 1 of your opponent's 5k power or less Characters. This combined with your power reducers will let you have no problem in KOing those Characters as long as they are not really high power Characters.
Benn Beckman is a card I want to run more, but ST15 WB is also handy in this build which is why I am just running 2 of each. Beckman's effect works on play, trash 1 of your opponent's 6k power or less Characters. The best thing about this card is that we can trash Characters unlike ST15 version who can only KO Characters. Trashing Characters will help us get around certain effects and stop On KO effects, since they are trashed and not KO.
Kid Pirates Supports
The two Kid Pirates support are both Killers which is not surprising. OP05 Killer works on play, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to 1 Kid Pirates card other than Killer, and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of the deck in any order. Unfortunately, we won't be able to search for the 5 drop Killer who is part of our key combo for the deck.
OP09 Killer is great when you can get it working, you can use this early to see if you can get rid of your opponent's cards as much as possible. But ideally we want to finish off your opponents in one turn. The effect works on play, by returning 1 DON, untap 1 of your Kid Pirates type Leader. Kid's Leader power is not once per turn, so we can make Kid a constant threat against your opponents.
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