There's actually no new support for Yamato build, however, there is a card I want to fit for this build as they could support Yamato's Leader effect. Lets just say this build is more of a random build, but with the mind of utilising Yamato's Double Attack ability to swipe your opponent's Life with ease. I tried to make this deck as aggressive as possible as we want to deal as much damage, the sooner, the better for this deck.
OP09 Yamato |
Leader Character (39) Event (11) |
How it Works?
This deck mainly focus on triggering the trigger effects, especially the Wano cards, so you need to make Yamato's Double Attack hit to 3 or less Life cards, and you will be able to trigger the rest of the deck. There will be no turn 1 play, as I am not running any 1 drop Character we could play. I guess you could add Momo for the search, however, we don't have a deck of Wano cards, so running Momo can be hit or miss. This build has different combination of abilities, and there are not a lot of related effects aside from using the Trigger effects.
Ace and Hody are mainly for the Rush, because we do want to be as aggressive as possible, forcing your opponents to use Blockers or counters early, so they will end up with a lower hand size than normal. Plus if you can get the Wano cards in the Life area, that will be even better as we could play those Wano cards if your opponent has 3 or less Life cards.
Resting will play a major role in this build as the only way your opponents can completely stop your attacks will be Blockers. But if we play our resting effects, then we can attack normally against your opponent's Leader forcing them to use counters from their hand instead. OP01 Izo has a simple effect, the effect works on play, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Character.
Hody on the other hand has an additional ability than just resting your opponent's Characters. Hody has the Rush ability which means we would be able to attack as soon as he hit the field. The effect works on play, rest up to total of 2 of your opponent's Characters or DONs. Then, add the top of your Life cards to your hand. We do reduce our Life area, but some cards in this build only works when we have 2 or less Life cards.
Blaze Slice works amazing in this build because we will focus on being as aggressive as possible, easily triggering Blaze Slice's effect. The effect can be used during the main phase or during the counter step, your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 1k this turn. Then, if your opponent has 2 or less Life cards, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. The 1k power may not be a lot but if we combined with Yamato's effect, then that 1k extra power can be useful. The trigger effect is basically the same as the main effect, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters.
Demon Nine Flash for short, is very useful in this build. Being a 2 drop Event means we would be able to use the rested DONs to power up 1 of your Characters with Yamato's effect. The effect is your Leader or 1 of your Character gains 3k power during this turn. Then, you may rest 1 of your 3 cost or more Characters to rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. The resting is optional, but it will be better if you rest your opponent's Characters. We do lose 1 of our Characters, but can easily be replaced if needed. The trigger effect is the exact same as Blaze Slice, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters.
Resting won't be the only way to stop your opponent's Characters as I am also running removals in the build. OP06 Dog Storm works when attacking, however, you will need to attach 2 DONs to Dog Storm, for the effect to work. This shouldn't be difficult since we are running Yamato Leader. The effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less than your opponent's Life cards. There is a downside to this effect, because if your opponent takes the Double Attack, Dog Storm will be nothing more than a beat stick on the field. The trigger effect is if your opponent has 3 or less Life cards, play this card.
OP08 Nami is a nice removal to have in the build, especially when this build is running a lot of trigger cards, easily triggering Nami's effect. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card with trigger from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. Then, if you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw 1 card. We might be able to trigger the draw power since this build doesn't have a high cost Character except Hody, so we can burn our hand pretty easily. The trigger effect is just activate this card's on play effect.
OP09 Robin is optional, but Robin can help to trigger some of your card's effects like Yamato Leader, especially if your opponent is stopping Yamato attack. The effect works on play, if your opponent has 3 or more Life cards, trash the top of your opponent's Life cards. This will help us to make your opponent's Life cards down to 3 or 2 Life so we can trigger some of the card's effects. Even if you don't need Robin, she can just be a discard for for Dog Duke or Nami's effect. The trigger effect is play one 3 cost or less yellow Character from your hand. This effect will be useless in this build as I am mainly aiming for the main effect.
Trigger Characters
Some of them are mainly for trigger effects, but some of them also has nice main effect we can use. OP06 Onami's main effect works very well with Yamato's Double Attack ability. The effect is your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains Banish this turn. Banish with Double Attack means your opponent will be losing 2 Life cards if the attack hit, so they will need some counters or Blockers, otherwise your opponent won't gain anything. The Trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. If you see this in your Life area, the trigger effect is always helpful as we want to reduce your opponent's field as much as possible.
Kiku is a situational card, but if you can pull the effect of, then it is worth running Kiku in the build. The effect works on KO, if your opponent has 3 or less Life cards, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life cards. As we got Double Attack, making your opponent down to 3 Life cards is not difficult, and we also have Robin in the build to help. The trigger effect is if your opponent has 3 or less Life cards, play this card just like Dog Storm.
OP06 Cat Viper is one of our main card as this Character can attack active Characters, meaning we can remove Blockers without using our removal effects. You will need to attach 2 DONs on to the Character for the effect to work just like Dog Storm. The trigger effect is the exact same as Kiku and Dog Storm where if your opponent has 3 or less Life cards, play this card.
OP07 Franky is a vanilla with a trigger effect. The trigger effect is draw 1 card, then if you have 1 or less Life, play this card. What I am mainly aiming for is the draw power since we will need the hand size, but if you can play Franky, that will also be a bonus. Plus Franky also has 2k counter if we don't play him from hand which is great for defending.
Another card that is similar to Franky is Satori. Another vanilla Character with a trigger effect. The trigger effect you may trash 1 card from your hand to play this card. This is only if you need more Characters on the field to attack your opponent with. Just like Franky, if we do get Satori in our hand, it will mainly be for the 2k counter to defend with.
Other Supports
The other supports for this build will be these 3. Two of them are great and the other is optional to run and can be easily be replaced for something else. ST13 Ace only works on play, if you have 2 or less Life cards, this Character gains Rush. Ace and Hody will be doing the attacking along with Yamato to try and deal as much damage as possible. Although Hody can also rest your opponent's cards which is why I am maximizing Hody over Ace.
Who Should Disappear is yellow 0 cost Event Counter. The counter effect is the same as any other colours. You may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 3k power this battle. What's different between these cards will be their trigger effects, and this trigger effect is if you have 0 Life, you may add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. Then, trash 1 card from your hand. This will need to rely on luck, but if you can get this in your hand, then it would be great for defence.
Electrical Luna is optional to run, and I don't know who to replace, maybe OP07 Ace for Life Gain and Rush ability, but will cost you all the DONs. The main effect is all of your opponent's 7 cost or less rested Characters will not become active during your opponent's next Refresh Phase. This can slow down your opponent's attacks so you won't need to use as much counters. The trigger effect is rest 1 of your opponent's Characters, and this can be any Characters unlike Blaze Slice and Nine Demon Flash.
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