Personally, I don't know about an OP09 version of Katakuri. But decks will change constantly, so I decided to post this version of the deck. It is different compare to the previous version, but we will still focus on checking the Life area. Although I don't think my previous build is great, I would prefer to use this version. You do not have to run OP09 card and can easily be replaced with one of the old cards as Katakuri doesn't need new cards from OP09 set.
OP09 Katakuri |
Leader Character (45) Event (5) |
How it Works?
I've made some major changes compare to the previous build as I think some cards aren't worth running as 4 like 7 drop Big Mom as during the late game, her effect becomes useless. The deck focus on checking the top Life card whether it is your opponents or your own. We will need to check for any Trigger effects which is the main part for Katakuri build, but we do have some non trigger effects in this build, however, the number are low, unless you got unlucky with the Life area.
I think in this version, I've added more removals compare to the previous version. It is better to have some sorts of removal forcing your opponents to lose their cards so we don't take as big of a hit against your opponent's attacks. Although there is one thing about this deck, and that is playing 10 drop Big Mom will leave you not triggering Katakuri's effect.
Life Gains
The Life gain cards are very straight forward as we've got these 3 to do Life gain. Although, 2 of them are conditional effects, still better than none, whilst the other lets you gain a Life straight away. Kiku needs to work on KO to work. If your opponent has 3 or less Life cards, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life cards. The best thing about this card is that if your opponent don't KO Kiku, we will have a 6k beat stick to swing at your opponent's cards. The trigger effect is if your opponent has 3 or less Life cards, play this card. You will need to rely on Katakuri's effect to see if the condition are met to play this card for free.
ST07 Big Mom is another situational card, and during the late game, the effect would become useless which is why I am not running ST07 as a 4 of. The effect works on play, your opponents chooses one of the following, they either trash their Life or you gain a Life. This is a win win choice if your opponent has Life cards, forcing them to either trash a Life or you gain a Life. I guess we will also have a 8k beat stick on the field.
10 drop Big Mom is the main card we want to play as we can definitely get Life cards unlike the other 2 who's effect is conditional. The effect works on play, if your Leader is Big Mom Pirates type, add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. Then, trash 1 card from your opponent's Life. The only downside to this is that we won't be able to use Katakuri's effect for a turn, but we would have a new Life card.
There are all sorts of removal for this deck, from removing your opponent's Characters to trashing their Life cards. OP08 Nami can be a bit risky in this build as we do have a few non trigger cards, however, most of the cards are triggers, and some will be end up being a vanilla in your hand, so we can use Nami's effect to discard them. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card with trigger from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. Then, if you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw 1 card. 3 or less cards in your hand shouldn't be too difficult, especially during late game where we need the draw power. The trigger effect is just activate this card's on play effect.
Gedatsu is back in the deck build for early turn removals, like OP08 Nami. We won't need to wait until 2 or less Life cards like Luffy, however, during the late game, Luffy would be better compare to Gedatsu. But this is just personal preference. The effect works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less than the number of your opponent's Life cards. Well at least we can get a 6k beat stick on the field to swing at your opponent's cards.
OP09 Robin is the only card from OP09 set in this build, however, it is optional as the effect is very situational. The effect works on play, if your opponent has 3 or more Life cards, trash the top card of your opponent's Life. As you can see, the effect needs your opponents to have 3 or more Life cards to work, but we can use Robin as a discard fodder for Nami's effect. The trigger effect is play one 3 cost or less yellow Character from your hand. This effect depends on the Characters you have got in your hand, there are some 3 drop or less Characters we could play from hand, but only if we've got them in our hand.
ST20 Big Mom is a card I actually like. She doesn't have Life gain like the other 2 Big Mom version, the effect is still very useful and can put a threat to your opponents. The effect works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand, your opponent either trash 2 cards from their hand, or trash the top of their Life cards. Just like ST07 version, this effect could end up useless if your opponent has 0 Life, however, if they have Life cards, then this could be very useful, especially when Robin needs certain number of Life cards to work.
There are 2 searchers in this build who will let you search for BM Pirates cards, and the more searching the better. OP03 Pudding works best as your turn 1 play. The effect works on play, look at the top 4 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Sanji or Big Mom Pirates card other than Pudding and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.
OP03 Perospero's effect works on KO in order to search, but being a 3 or less Character, most effects can target Perospero for the removal. The effect is look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Big Mom Pirates card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The trigger effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand to play this card.
Trigger Characters
These cards are mainly in the deck for their trigger effects as most of them are vanillas, and will be useless except their counters if they ended up in your hand. OP06 Onami has a nice main effect and a trigger effect, it will depends on the situation and see what you would like. The main effect works on play, 1 of your Leader or Character gains Banish this turn. Banish helps you to trash your opponent's Life. The trigger effect is the main effect I am after, KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters.
ST20 Brulee's trigger effect is just the same as Katakuri's Leader effect where we can check the players top Life cards. The trigger effect is look at the top of your or your opponent's Life cards, and place it on top or bottom of the Life cards. Then, add this card to your hand. I think being able to add Brulee to your hand will rely help, especially when she also has 2k counter where we can use for defence.
OP04 Bege on the other hand isn't like ST20 Brulee as once you use Bege's trigger effect, he will go straight to the trash. The trigger effect is 1 of your opponent's Leader or Characters cannot attack this turn. This will slow your opponents down, and with Katakuri checking the top of your Life cards, we can put this on top or bottom, if it is too early to use the trigger effect.
I am running ST07 Brulee for the defence because as you see, this deck runs no Blockers. It will be more focus on Life gain and attack, and your only defence will be using counters from your hand. Brulee is a Blocker with a trigger effect that lets you play this card. If you are lucky with OP09 Robin's trigger effect, we could play ST07 Brulee from hand to stop your opponent's attacks.
Satori is another vanilla, however, the trigger effect will depends on the state of your field. If you need more Characters, then Satori could be useful, but if its just the defence, then we can keep Satori in hand for the 2k counter. The trigger effect is the exact same as Perospero where you may trash 1 card from your hand to play this card.
The two Events I am running will be these 2, both of them will have counter effect, however 1 of them also has a main effect. Who Should Disappear is yellow 0 cost Event Counter. The counter effect is the same as any other colours. You may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader or Characters gains 3k power this battle. What's different between these cards will be their trigger effects, and this trigger effect is if you have 0 Life, you may add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. Then, trash 1 card from your hand. We would be checking the top card of your Life, so we could place this counter at the bottom so we could trigger the trigger effect.
Blaze Slice can be used during the counter step or the main phase. The effect is 1 of your Leader or Character gains 1k this turn. Then, if your opponent has 2 or less Life cards, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. It would be better if we can get your opponents down to 2 Life to use this card, otherwise we would only get the power bonus. The trigger effect is basically the same as the main effect, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. We just don't get the power bonus for this card.
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