I personally feel like OP09 set could work with one of the most OP Character in the series Whitebeard aka Newgate. There are some cards where I could go, this might work with WB as we want to focus on the defensive side of things. However, at the same time, too much high cost Characters can actually runs this deck, so finding the right balance from OP09 set is really important.
OP09 Whitebeard |
Leader Character (43) Event (7) |
How it Works?
At first, I thought the OP09 set would work, but then it ended up too many high cost Characters in the build, so the only one I've chosen is Yasopp to increase the Leader power for a turn. WB is a deck where low cost Characters have more benefits because we need counters and DONs for the effects. As you know, WB takes your Life cards at the end of your turn, so you definitely need counters to stop the attacks. I am not running too many Blockers, as you want to attack your opponents as much as possible, before your Life cards runs out. The longer the game, the worst for your deck as we can run out of both counters and Life cards very easily.
Rush does play an important role to the deck as we want to attack as soon as they hit the field since we are racing against time. Although, I do wish we've got more Rush for this build, especially for the WB Pirates. OP02 Jozu have some requirements to gain Rush and you will need to attach a DON to work. If you have 2 or less Life and your Leader is Whitebeard Pirates type, this Character gains Rush. On the bright side, he does have 2k counter we can use, since Jozu doesn't work without 2 or less Life cards, so would be pointless keeping in the hand.
ST15 Ace on the other hand is way better than Jozu, as I personally just use Jozu for the 2k counter. The Rush requirement is easy to trigger, if your Leader includes WB Pirates type, this Character gains Rush. But more importantly, it is the the second effect which makes me like ST15 version of Ace. The second effect works once per turn, when this Character would be removed from the field by your opponent's effect, you may reduce this Character by 2k power instead. This can be against any effects whether they are KOing or returning cards, allowing Ace to stay on the field.
Lastly we have OP02 Ace who Rush requirement is similar to ST15 version, but we also have an additional effect. The effect works on play, reduce 2 of your opponent's Characters power by 3k this turn. Then, if your Leader includes WB Pirates type, this Character gains Rush. Reducing your opponent's Characters by 3k will be really helpful, so we can attack into those Characters since we barely have removals in this deck.
Power Reducers
As for the power reducers, both of them are technically the same with ST15 Thatch going through the extra text. Both have 2k counters which is the main reason I am running them to strengthen the defences. ST15 Thatch works on play, if your Leader includes WB Pirates type, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 2k this turn. Then, add the top card of your Life area to your hand. Personally, I am not a big fan of the effect if I don't have cards that can stop taking Life cards effect since WB Leader reduces our Life cards, and if we use Thatch, then we lose even more Life cards which will be a problem for defence, unless you need 2 or less Life cards to trigger some effects.
OP01 Otama on the other hand is a card I would play more than Thatch if I need to use the effect. The effect works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 2k this turn. Otama won't be searchable like Thatch, but at least we won't need to lose Life cards, making it more easier to use if we want to remove a Character.
Personally, removal would help this build dramatically as we could reduce the number of Characters your opponents can have instead of attacking into those Characters. OP03 Marco can be useful, for part of the effect as the other effect we might struggle to trigger with. Marco have 2 effects. The first effect works on play, but on your turn only. KO 1 of your opponent's 3k power or less Characters. This effect is to prevent spamming during your opponent's turn as we could reduce your opponent's Characters power if we have the cards. The on KO effect is, you may trash 1 Event from your hand to play this card from your trash to field rested. This is not once per turn, so as long as we have Events to trash, we could constantly revive Marco from the trash, however, most of the Events in this build will be important.
OP08 Rayleigh is a card I am debating whether to run him or take him out of the deck. Remember, WB doesn't like high cost Characters unless they can prevent Life cards from being taken, however, Rayleigh's effect can also reduce the number of attacks your opponents can do. The effect works on play, select up to 2 of your opponent's Characters, reduce 1 of those Character power by 3k and the other by 2k until the end of your opponent's next turn. Then, KO 1 of your opponent's 3k power or less Characters. Being an 8 cost Character, we could play Thatch or Otama first to reduce your opponent's Characters power, then play Rayleigh to KO 1 of their Characters.
These cards can power up the Leader making the base power of your Leader even harder to hit, and your opponents will need more DONs power if they want to hit your Leader. ST15 Kingdew is a Blocker, and I like Blockers in this build as we want to use them against high power Characters instead of burning a lot of counters from hand. The effect works during your opponent's turn, when this Character is KO'd by an effect, your Leader gains 2k power for the turn. There are ways to get around this effect depending on the type of decks you are playing against, which is why I am not running a lot of copies in this build.
Yasopp is very nice to have, but I guess the downside is that he cost 5 to play, and you need all the DONs you can get for WB deck. Although, if you can get the power up bonus, I personally think it is worth it. Yasopp has 2 effects, the first effect works on play, your Leader gains 1k power until the end of your opponent's turn. This will make WB Leader a 7k base power during your opponent's turn as well as when we attack. The second effect works when attacking, you will need to attach a DON for the effect to work. Reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 1k this turn. This would help to make your attacks land a lot easier on your opponent's Characters.
OP02 WB is the main card of the deck, we need this WB as not only he is a 10k beat stick, but can stop our Leader's effect from activating. OP02 WB has 2 effects. The first effect works on play, 1 of your Leader gains 2k power until the start of your next turn. Then, you cannot add Life into your hand using your own effects this turn. This also prevents ST15 Thatch's effect from taken our Life cards, so we can comfortable use the power reducer's effect if needed. The second effect works when attacking, but you will need to attach 2 DONs to WB for the effect to work, KO 1 of your opponent's 3k power or less Characters. This will need to rely on power reducers if you want to KO some of your opponent's Characters.
Whitebeard Pirates Supports
Now we have Whitebeard Pirates supports who would work the best with WB Pirates build, but Atmos is mainly for WB Leader, but I'll write about that below. OP03 Izo is our standard searcher for WB Pirates and will be your best turn 1 play. The effect works on play, look at the top 5 cards of you deck, reveal 1 Whitebeard Pirates card other than Izo and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.
ST15 Atmos is a card I hate and like at the same time. To be honest, it really depends on what kind of decks you are playing against to make Atmos useful. The effect works if your Leader is WB, you cannot add Life into your hand using your own effects this turn. There are downside to this effect, first one is that Atmos can easily be the target of attack since he is just a 5k beat stick compare to your Leader 6k. Second one is removal effects, so by the time we play Atmos, and your opponents remove him, we won't get a chance to trigger the effect and would have waste 4 DONs.
OP02 Marco is the main Blocker of the deck, however the on KO requirements is similar to Jozu. The effect is you may trash 1 WB Pirates card from your hand, if you have 2 or less Life cards, play this card from your trash rested. You will need 2 or less Life cards if you want to keep Marco on the field. Of course, being at rest means your opponents can keep targeting Marco for an attack, and we can revive him as long as we've got WB cards in our hand. I guess its a good and bad thing about this card, tanking the attacks, but reduce our hand size to protect our Leader.
There are some relations with these Events is that they are all Straw Hats (not like that matters), but they all have counter effects. As you know, relying on Character's counter power won't always be enough, so we need to play these Events instead. Bad Manners cost 0 to play, the counter effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand, your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 3k power this battle. The effect is very standard as all the colours will have this effect, it is only the trigger effect that is different. The trigger effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Leader or Characters by 3k this turn. As this effect last for a turn, it could hurt Characters who can untap stuff to attack again.
Radical Beam would work the best if you have 2 or less Life cards which is not difficult to do for this build. But more importantly, the trigger effect can also be helpful for this kind of build. The counter effect is your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 2k power this battle. Then, if you have 2 or less Life cards, that card gains another 2k power. So in total, we could get 4k power for that battle. The trigger effect is your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 1k power this turn, making WB Leader a 7k base power for the turn, and forcing your opponent to use more DONs if they want to hit your Leader.
Guard Point is also the same reason as Radical Beam for the trigger effect, but the counter effect can be hand. The counter effect is your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 3k power this battle. This is the exact same as Bad Manners but without the need to trash a card from hand, instead we will just pay 1 DON. The trigger effect is the exact same as Radical Beam where your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 1k power this turn. So if you are lucky enough to trigger one of these in your Life area, it would be helpful, unless it is the end of attack.
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