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Thursday, January 23, 2025

OP09 Green/Purple (Doflamingo) Deck Profile

We are getting more Doffy supports in OP10 set, but for now, I'll be updating this build with OP09 supports. You might think there's no green support for older decks, but looking at the Odyssey, one of the new card would work with this build as we want to force your opponent's Characters to rest. Although if we want the full upgrade, then waiting until OP10 release date will be the best bet.

OP09 Doffy

How it Works?

Currently this build is more of a defensive build, but unfortunately if your opponents have high cost Characters like Purple Luffy deck, then this deck doesn't work really well against them as Birdcage will feel useless. You will need to play against them without Birdcage, forming different strategy instead, and that strategy will be relying on the main beat stick 10 drop Doffy and Big Mom as well as relying on untapping strategy. It is possible to stall as we have a lot of Blockers in the build to bring out the big drop.

If we have Birdcage on the field, then we want to return DONs to make Birdcage stays on the field as much as possible. The longer we have Birdcage on the field, it will means your opponents will need to be forced to replaced their low cost Characters for Characters ready to attack. Of course, we might struggle to play 10 Doffy if we continuously return DONs back to deck. But once the timing is right, then we can play 10 drop Doffy and let Birdcage KO all the low cost Characters.


It doesn't seems much but we do have 4 cards who are able to rest your opponent's Characters even if they tried to avoid Birdcage restrictions. Sugar have 2 effects, the first effect works on your opponent's turn and once per turn. When your opponent's plays a Character, if your Leader is Donquixote Pirates type, rest 1 of your opponent's Characters. Then, rest this Character. What I like about this effect is that we can target your opponent's Characters who doesn't have summon sickness, so we could prevent that Character from attacking this turn. If they do attack first, then play a Character, we could rest that Character for next turn, either way, it will be a win win situation. The second effect works on play, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. If Birdcage is on the field, we would be able to prevent 2 of your opponent's Characters from being active.

Hody is very useful in this build, because he is a 7 drop so he can bypass Birdcage restrictions, but also we can rest up to 2 of your opponent's Characters. Hody have Rush with an on play effect, rest up to a total of 2 of your opponent's Characters or DONs. Then, add the top card of your Life to your hand. The only downside to this card is that we take a Life, but in return, we will have a beat stick as well as resting your opponent's cards.

Beam Sword is very useful in this build, not only we can make Birdcage's effect last longer, but we can also rest any Characters we want. The counter effect is by returning 1 DON, your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 2k power this battle. Then, rest 1 of your opponent's Characters. The trigger effect is add 1 DON as active. The trigger effect depends on if you have Birdcage on the field or not, as we do want to play our big drop as soon as possible, but we also don't want to lose Birdcage very early in the stages.

Punk Gibson is not as useful because we have Beam Sword who can target any Characters we want, but as a back up, it might be handy if you need more resting. The counter effect is your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 4k power this battle. Then, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. We can only target low cost Characters, works well if your opponents doesn't have high drop Characters in play. The trigger effect is rest 1 of your opponent's Characters. As we are only running 1 copy, and you need the right timing for the trigger effect to be effective, I wouldn't worry too much about this effect.


To stop your opponent's attacks, we will have to rely on these 2 cards. It is possible with our resting effects, forcing your opponents to rest their Characters even if they don't attack. Well 10 drop Doffy as a back up whilst Birdcage is the main focus of the deck. 10 drop Doffy works on play, up to a total of 3 of your opponent's rested Leader and Characters will not become active in your opponent's next Refresh Phase. Not to mention we have Doffy Leader who can untap DONs allowing us to use our 2 drop Events from our hand, and don't need to worry about paying the full 10 DONs.

The deck centre around Birdcage. If we can get Birdcage on the field, we can stop your opponents from doing multi attacking freely. Birdcage have 2 effects, the first effect only works if you have Doffy as the Leader. All 5 cost or less characters will not become active in both player's Refresh Phase. Yes it does hurt your side of the field as well, but most of the Characters in this build are utilities instead of using those cards for attacks. The second effect works at the end of your turn, if you have 10 DON on your field, KO all rested 5 cost or less Characters. Then, trash this Stage. The final effect will mainly be waiting for your opponents to have a full field of rested Characters to KO their board. Of course, if they are playing high cost Characters, then we don't really care about the first effect, and try to make use of the second effect as soon as possible.


We have the ability to untap Characters except OP04 Baby 5 who focus on untapping our DONs. This is so Birdcage restrictions doesn't hurt our field as our opponents. Anyway OP04 Baby 5 works at the end of your turn. You may trash this Character to untap 2 DONs. This effect is very useful especially when we want to use multiple 2 cost Events from our hand as Doffy Leader is not enough.

Diamante is a Blocker with an effect that works at the end of your turn. However, you will need to attach a DON to Diamante for the effect to work. If you have 2 or more active DONs, untap this Character. We are running Doffy Leader and OP04 Baby 5 who can untap DONs, making the full use of Diamante effect. The best part is that we can swing for 7k beat stick and have a 6k Blocker during your opponent's turn.

On the other hand OP09 Doffy doesn't need a DON for the effect to work. Just like Diamante, Doffy is a Blocker and have an end of turn effect. If you have 2 or more rested Characters, untap this Character. This shouldn't be too difficult to do especially if Birdcage forces us to have rested Characters. Doffy pretty much play the same role as Diamante, attack and untap at the end of turn to use as a Blocker whilst avoiding Birdcage restrictions.

Spiderweb will help our low cost Characters who can't untap themselves, since not all of them will have Diamantes or OP09 Doffy's effect. The counter effect is your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 4k power this battle. Then, untap 1 of your Character. This effect helps especially when our Characters need to rest to use their effects like Sugar and OP05 Baby 5. But that is only if Birdcage is on the field. If you don't have Birdcage on the field, we can use Spiderweb with our Blockers to stop 2 attacks in one turn. he trigger effect is 1 of your Leader gains 2k power this turn. This will make Doffy Leader a 7k base power, forcing your opponents to gain more power if they want to hit your Leader.


Both cards will be able to search for Donquixote Pirates Characters, but if you want to search for Birdcage, then OP05 Baby 5 is the main searcher you want. The effect is by paying 1 DON and resting this Character, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Donquixote Pirates card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The only downside is that if Birdcage is on the field, we won't be able to spam this effect without Spiderweb involve.

Off White is another 2 cost Event Counter, and it is also a different type of searcher than Baby 5. The counter effect is your Leader or 1 of your Characters gains 4k power this battle. Then, look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Donquixote Pirates Character and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This can be risky as I am also running a lot of Events and non Donquixote Pirates Characters, so you could end up missing with the search effect.

Returning DONs

Now the main role for these purple cards is to make Birdcage's effect last longer, so the more DONs we return, we won't need to worry about having 10 DONs at the end of our turn. ST10 Law is very useful in this build as well as being a Blocker. Your opponents may not attack with low cost Characters and just set up until they have big drop Characters, so Law's on play effect could hurt your opponents. The on play effect is, by returning 1 DON, if your opponent have 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from your opponent's hand. This shouldn't be difficult to do if your opponent has draw power and searchers involve to get their increase hand size.

ST04 Queen is a Blocker with an on play effect, by returning 1 DON, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. Well, we only need 1 Birdcage on the field, the other Birdcage can be used as a discard fodder for Queen's effect, unless you are not playing Birdcage at all, as the deck you are playing against doesn't care about 5 cost or less Characters.

OP08 Big Mom is helpful for this build as we are stalling for time, but we do have to take some hits, and what's better way than having some Life gain in this build. The effect works on play, by returning 1 DON and trashing 1 card from your hand. Add the top card of your deck to top of your Life. Then, add 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters to their top or bottom of the Life area face up. Unfortunately, we also gives your opponent an extra Life card in their Life area in return of reducing their field.

Ragnarok is for the removal, as this deck barely has any removals and just focus on resting and stopping your opponent's Characters. Personally, this is not good enough as if we don't draw any of those cards, we won't be able to stop your opponent's attacks. The main effect is by returning 1 DON, KO 1 of your opponent's 8 cost or less Characters. Birdcage can focus on 5 cost or less whilst Ragnarok can target your opponent's 8 cost or less Characters. The trigger effect is add 1 DON as active. As I am only running 1 copy of Ragnarok, we want this card in our hand to remove any 7-8 drop Characters your opponents will be playing.

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