Lets not get confused with Dragon Links in YGO, Digimon's Dragon Linkz work differently. It is still related to Dragons, so any Dragon fans out there would like these type of deck. The new support from EX7 actually made Dragon Linkz very good. But of course, you will also need some old stuff too to make it work. I also haven't wrote a colour next to Dragon Linkz, because its Dragon Linkz, I know they are Red and Black, but we also have white splashed into them thanks to Hina being a white Tamer. The way I made this build is to utilised draw power, of course you can change the build to your liking.
EX7 Dragon Linkz |
Digi Eggs x4 Lv3s x12 Lv4s x12 Lv5s x8 Lv6s x8 Options x4 Tamers x6 |

How it Works?
The deck centre around Hina. Hina is the Tamer that will enable you to trigger the on play effects when you digivolve. So you won't need to hard play those cards to trigger the on play effect, and can just focus on digivolving normally. As I am running a lot of search effects along with draw power thanks to Koromon and Digimon Emperor's effect, I also decided to run Dorbickmon for the Rush ability providing you an extra attack if you've got the memory to pull it off. Dorbickmon is not related any way to these Dragons, so you won't be able to search this from your deck.
What this deck is missing is memory boost that is suited for this deck, or even a Training card. As you can see, the Dragon Linkz cards are all mono colour, so using memory boost or Training card won't be ideal if they don't match the colours. You could run them, but if you want certain cards, we might not get that colour from the search effects, which is why I am not running those cards in this build and just using Win Rate 60% as the replacement.
The Megas
Now to the Megas, only one of them is not related to Dragon Linkz and that is Dorbickmon. EX7 Metallicdramon is our main Digimon of the deck. The effect is split into 3 different parts. The first effect works on play or when attacking, De-Digivolve 4 one of your opponent's Digimon. De-Digivolve 4 is a lot, we can easily turn that Digimon back down to Lv3. The second effect works digivolving, none of your opponent's Lv4 or lower Digimon can digivolve until the end of their turn. The downside to this effect is that it does not stop your opponents from attacking. The last effect works all turn, when this Digimon would leave the battle area other than one of your effects, you may play 1 Digimon with Rock Dragon or Earth Dragon trait from your trash without paying the cost. The best thing about this effect is that we can play any Digimon as long as they are Rock or Earth Dragon as the levels doesn't matter.
EX7 Volcanicdramon also have 3 effects. The first effect works on play or when attacking, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest level. This effect is very strong if your opponent only has 1 Digimon in play. The second effect works when digivolving, your opponent can't play or move Digimon with 6k DP or less until the end of their turn. This is very strong considering most searchers have 6k or less DP, plus they are mainly low level. If your opponent wants to play a Digimon about 6k, it may cost them a lot of memory except maybe Ace Digimon. The final effect is when this Digimon would leave the battle area other than by one of your effects, you may play 1 Machine Dragon or Sky Dragon trait from your hand without paying the cost. I still think playing from the trash is better, but hand is not too bad if you got cards like Metallicdramon who could be hard played.
EX3 Dorbickmon is optional, you do not have to run this and could replace this with EX3 Volcanicdramon or Metallicdramon depending on who you prefer to have in the build. We have a DigiXros -2 with 5 Digimon with different names and have Dragon, saur or Ceratopsian in one of their traits. 5 Digimon with different name is not really difficult to do in this build as we've got plenty of draw power and searcher, so you could end up playing Dorbickmon for 3 memory. We have a Rush ability and an on play effect. The on play effect is delete 1 of your opponent's 3k DP or less Digimon. For each Dragon, saur or Ceratopsian in one of their traits in this Digimon's digi source, add 2k to the maximum DP you can choose with this effect. So if you have 5 in the digi source, we can delete a total worth of 13k DP Digimon.
Metallicdramon's Evolution Line
For Metallicdramon's evolution line, they main focus on the draw and De-digivolving. EX3 Jazamon has a simple main effect, once per turn, when you play Hina, gain 1 memory. This would help to reduce the playing cost for Hina down to 2, but it doesn't really matter in this build as we can play Hina for free instead. The inherited effect works for all turn, while this Digimon has an on play effect, it gains 1k DP. We shouldn't have any trouble activating this effect since most of the Digimon have on play effects.
EX7 Jazamon won't need you to play Hina to gain memory, instead you will be filtering your hand to gain memory. The effect works at the start of your main phase, by trashing 1 card with Rock Dragon or Earth Dragon trait from your hand, draw 1 card and gain 1 memory. This is just in case you have cards you don't need. The inherited effect works during your opponent's turn. This Digimon gains 2k DP, we are not running Blockers unless you are running EX3 Metallicdramon, but at least it will make our Digimon harder to hit than their standard base power.
EX3 Jazardmon is a searcher, the effect works on play, reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 Digimon with Rock Dragon, Earth Dragon, Bird Dragon, Machine Dragon or Sky Dragon trait and 1 Hina among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This effect is very strong, especially when we need Hina on the field to get this deck popping off. The inherited effect is the same as EX3 Jazamon which is while this Digimon has an on play effect, it gains 1k DP.
EX7 Jazardmon has 2 effects instead of 1 like the EX3 version. The first effect works on play, by trashing 1 card with Rock Dragon or Earth Dragon, draw 2 cards. This is similar to EX7 Jazamon, but without the memory boost. But at least we do get 1 extra card this time instead of being a hand filter effect. The second effect works when digivolving, if you have 1 or less Tamers, you may play 1 Hina from your hand without paying the cost. Hina is important, and having a card that can play Hina for free help dramatically. The inherited effect is the same as EX7 Jazamon. This Digimon gains 2k DP
Now for EX7 Jazarichmon, also have 2 effects, the first effect works on play. De-Digivolve 1 one of your opponent's Digimon. This is to slow their digivolution down so we can get to our Megas first. The second effect works when digivolving, if your opponent doesn't have a Lv5 or higher Digimon, gain 1 memory. This means we could digivolve for 2 memory instead of 3 as we need all the cost possible. The inherited effect is when an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may change the attack target to this Digimon. This effect can act as a Blocker, but you would need to make sure that both Jazamon and Jazardmon is in this Digimon's digi source to get the full benefit of this effect.
Volcanicdramon's Evolution Line
Most of the Digimon for Volcanicdramon's line focus on searching, except the Lv5s. EX7 Vorvomon basically have the same effect as EX3 Jazardmon, but we don't look for Bird Dragon, that is the only one missing. The effect works on play, reveal top 3 cards of your deck, Add 1 Digimon with Rock Dragon, Earth Dragon, Machine Dragon or Sky Dragon trait and 1 Hina among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck. More searching definitely help this deck, especially searching for Hina to make this deck pop off. The inherited effect works during your turn where this Digimon gains 2k DP.
EX3 Lavorvomon has the exact same on play effect as EX3 Jazardmon. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 Digimon with Rock Dragon, Earth Dragon, Bird Dragon, Machine Dragon or Sky Dragon trait and 1 Hina among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Doesn't hurt to have more searching in the deck to get the right cards. The inherited effect works when attacking, while this Digimon has an on play effect, delete 1 of your opponent's 3k DP or less Digimon. This shouldn't be too difficult to pull off as we have De-Digivolving ability in this build to go back down to Lv3 for you to delete those Digimon.
EX7 Lavorvomon has 2 effects. The first effect works on play, return 1 card with Machine Dragon or Sky Dragon trait or 1 Hina from your trash to your hand. A nice recycle if certain key cards you want ended in your trash. The second effect works when digivolving, if you have 1 or less Tamers, you may play 1 Hina from your hand without paying the cost. Another card that would allow us to play Hina for free, since Hina is important to be out on the field. The inherited effect is the same as EX7 Vorvomon where this Digimon gains 2k DP.
I still think EX3 Lavogaritamon is still nice to have in the build, but you can max out EX7 version if you don't like it. The on play effect is delete 1 of your opponent's 5k DP or less Digimon. Then, you may play 1 Hina from your hand without paying the cost. The inherited effect is when an opponent's Digimon is deleted, if this Digimon has an on play effect, gain 1 memory. Now this effect works for both turn, so as long as you can delete their Digimon, you will be able to gain 1 memory once per turn.
Lastly, we've got the EX7 version of Lavogaritamon. EX7 Lavogaritamon has 2 effects, the first effect works on play, delete 1 of your opponent's 6k DP or less Digimon and the second effect works when digivolving. If your opponent doesn't have a Digimon with 6k DP or less, gain 1 memory. This can be very easy to do if we can wipe those low DP Digimon, or if your opponents have a high DP Digimon, so we could digivolve for this for 2 instead of 3. The inherited effect is just Security Attack +1.
Option Cards
Now we move on to the 2 Option cards. Crimson Blaze works very well in this build and can act as a backup for Volcanicdramon's effect. The cost for this card in your hand is reduced by 1 for each Digimon your opponent has in play. So the more Digimon they play, the cheaper we can get this cost down. The main effect is your opponent can't play Digimon by effects until the end of their turn. Delete all of your opponent's Digimon with 6k DP or less. 6k DP or less is not difficult to do because we have De-Digivolving ability to reduce your opponent's Digimon down to low level. The security effect is activate this card's main effect.
Win Rate: 60% is the card we need to reduce the cost of digivolving since we are not using any memory boost or Training cards in this build. You can use this Option card ignoring the colour requirements if you have a Tamer in play. This doesn't matter since our main Tamer is a white card anyway. The main effect is the next time one of your Digimon digivolves this turn, you may trash 1 Digimon from your hand with the same colour as the digivolving Digimon to reduce the digivolution cost by 4. Technically we would be playing the Megas for 3 memory, as the main one we want cost 5 to digivolve, which is a lot to today standard for Digimon. The security effect is add this card to hand.
The 2 Tamers I am running for this build. Digimon Emperor is great for this build as we do a lot of De-Digivolving and deleting, easily trigger one of the effect for this card. Digimon Emperor comes with 2 effects, the first effect is when one of your opponent's Lv5 or lower Digimon is deleted, you may suspend this Tamer to draw 1 card. This effect works for all turn, so it doesn't matter which turn you deleted your opponent's Digimon as long as you can delete them and draw a card. This will help to feed Dorbickmon's DigiXros requirement. The second effect only works during your opponent's turn, when one of your opponent's Lv3 Digimon is moved from their breeding area to their battle area, gain 2 memory. This won't always work, so I'm only after the draw power. The security effect is play this card without paying the cost.
As I've mentioned, Hina is our main Tamer we want on the field. She comes with 2 effects, the first effect works at the start of your turn, if your opponent has a Digimon in play, gain 1 memory. Since we are running 4 copies of these in a deck, we could gain 4 memory if you are lucky enough to get 4 in play during the game. The second effect is when one of your Digimon digivolves into a Digimon with the Rock Dragon, Earth Dragon, Machine Dragon or Sky Dragon trait, by suspending this Tamer, activate 1 of that Digimon's on play effect. This is the main effect I am after as it will mean we won't need to hard play most of the Digimon in the build. The security effect is play this card without paying the cost.
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