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Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Will One Piece ever get Simultaneous Release?

Seeing how both Gundam and Digimon are going for simultaneous release, will One Piece ever get one? We are 2-3 sets behind, so it is not difficult to catch up unlike Digimon who is trying to cramp every sets this year to catch up with the JPN format. This is also why I'm waiting for Digimon to catch up just to play the game again, currently, I don't even want to play the game.

If they decide to follow the exact ban list as the JPN format, there is no reason of not giving One Piece a simultaneous release. It is not like it would make much of a difference, and we won't know what the meta will be like. Plus I think we don't have a long waiting time just to try out the new decks that's already came out in JPN format, I know some places got long delays for Bandai games, so this make waiting even longer.

When I was playing Dragon Ball Super a long time ago, it was the card game that made Bandai start developing other card games, if it wasn't for Dragon Ball Super, we wouldn't have these kind of card games. The reason why I've started talking about Dragon Ball Super is because it didn't have a JPN format, everything was released at the same time, so meta was unpredictable. But of course, there are people out there who tries to predict the next meta by reading the card's effects.

I think this was fun, everyone gets the same thing, no special privileges for certain format like One Piece and Digimon. Most importantly, everyone will be experiencing their new decks and if its actually the meta or not. I did quit Super eventually because the pricing was ridiculous expensive. It was cheap at the beginning, then became really expensive, and I'm the type of people who likes using cheap decks to win. No point pouring money into the deck unless it is your favourite deck, plus its always fun seeing the people who poured money into their decks and get thrashed by a guy who was using a cheap deck.

Anyway, I do hope One Piece will start following Digimon and especially Gundam since both One Piece and Gundam has very similar mechanics. If One Piece doesn't get simultaneous release, then I might lean toward Gundam more since it's Gundam, it has always been my favourite series out of the card games Bandai produced. But it doesn't mean I'll stopped play One Piece, it just means I'll play less since we know what the future metas would look like by looking at JPN format. The only game I am losing hope is Digimon, the game started out great, but now its going at a fast pace, I feel like the memory system is pointless with so many decks who can gain memory and play Digimon for free.

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