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Friday, October 4, 2024


Bandai has been on a role with releases of new card games, HOWEVER, what I know Bandai for is Gundam stuff. I know Battle Spirits does Gundam collabs, but it is still using Battle Spirits mechanic and not really itself. I am very looking forward to this as a Gundam fan. I can sell my Digimon stuff for this game, and transfer the card sleeves over, as I feel Digimon have gotten very expensive with the recent sets, and getting specific promos are harder. So I will just break down some of the key stuff in this video.

Previous Gundam TCGs

I shouldn't be surprised there's previous Gundam TCG games as it's been with the revival of Digimon, One Piece, Dragon Ball and Battle Spirits Saga. What I am surprised is that SD Gundam was released first before other Gundam stuff. But I wasn't even born then. For Gundam stuff, I only know they've been in Battle Spirits, and it seems they were in Battle Spirits around 4 years ago which is not very long, considering the age of Gundam series.

Simultaneous Release

Simultaneous release already makes me want to get into this game. What I hate the most is games like One Piece where we can look at JPN meta and predict which decks will be the next meta, making some of old cards jump in pricing. But if the set releases at the same time, nobody knows who will be the next meta, and even if you read the card effects, they might not be meta contender. So everyone will need to go through trial and error to find out who is the next meta.

Deck Construction


Only 2 colours allowed in this game. I'm guessing this is the normal, unless they will expand the colours section in future like Digimon. But Digimon can run up to 5 colours whereas One Piece is 2 colours, unless we are running rainbow Luffy as Leader. Currently there are only four colours. They might expand on this, but that will be in the future. Currently, there are Blue, Green, Red and White. I'll be mixing Green and White. I like Gundam Wing, but hate Gundam Seed story, well Gundam Seed wasn't too bad, it is Gundam Seed Destiny that was as they suddenly changed the MC half way through the series, but I do like their mobile suit designs. Currently, not sure about their style yet, but I am assuming Red will be aggressive and control will be either Blue or Green.

Card Types

I am not surprised they are giving us 4 different type of cards to build our deck. I know, Pilot, Gundam and Base makes sense, but Command Card? maybe they are like Events in One Piece. Maybe I'll get I AM GUNDAM card. Although, I don't think we will get Command cards like Events from One Piece, seeing how one of the spoilers just says Overflowing Affection, but nice effect, since I'll take draw power any day.

Pilots Pairing

This is like Gundam Battlelogue series where we can use the same Pilot on any units. So if you have a favourite Pilot in mind, we can just use the Pilots all the way through, who cares about their effects as long as we can use our Pilots we want. Hopefully, Bandai will release all the Pilots so everyone will get to use them, and not leave some out. There are a lot of Pilots we could use in this game aside from the protagonists.

One more thing, even without Pilot pairing, the mobile suits can still attack, but they will be weaker. But I'm guessing it will depends how you make use of the Pilots Pairing, and if you need it or not to get through.

Link Units

Obviously, they wouldn't make it easy for us using any Pilots, because most Pilots will have their own unique Mobile Suit. I am not sure if Enhancement is necessary in this game, but creating special links might be, so people won't be pairing any mobile suits they want on that specific Pilot. Where is the fun in that?

Also seeing that it can attack immediately means this game has summon sickness. I like summon sickness so it means the game won't be as fast pace like Digimon or Dragon Ball. I know Digimon also have summon sickness, but there are way to get around that, which is why Digimon became a fast pacing game.

AP and HP

Yes, this wouldn't make sense if only the attacker wins because that is not how Gundam works in the series. But he didn't mention if the damage last until the turn or the entire game. If it's entire game, then it could be fun as we can use weak mobile suits to take down a high HP mobile suits. This just means attacking and resting won't be easy.

Command Cards

I kinda knew Command cards can respond to your opponent's attacks but they made it like One Piece where we have Counter effects, in this instant, they call it Action in this game. Well anyway, respond to attacks is always good because you don't want the game to be like, once I attack, you can't do anything about it. I hate those kind of games, especially when they've added power creep, so it made it impossible to stop.

Base Cards

So in short, Base cards are Blockers in this game if you are familiar with Bandai Card Games. But some Base cards will let you gain shields, so it won't be colour specific anymore. I guess this is okay, at least it means each builds would have a chance to survive longer.  Although we might get Blockers as well in this game because I don't think Base would be the only way to protect the shields.

Resource Cards

Resource cards is just DONs cards, and just like DONs, we can only allow 10 cards. This is very straight forward indeed. Looks like they've took some stuff from One Piece Card Game and improved on it. At least we don't need Leaders like One Piece. However, you only gain 1 resource per turn. I'll definitely take it as it means playing high cost cards will take 10 turn unless we've got ramp in this game.

Looks like I was wrong, but technically, to play high cost cards you do need to wait for 10 turns, however, the cost will be reduce, so like Gundam for instant, you need to wait for 4 turns, but you will be able to play it for 2 cost. I'll take this mechanic, so it just means playing a high cost card won't use up all your resources like One Piece.

The Win Con

Not surprised here that they used One Piece and Digimon Win Con over Dragon Ball, and I still haven't got over how Base is protecting the shields and not other way round, where the shield is protecting the Base.

Review of the Game

Just like any card games, these are the basic steps. The only complicated thing will be adding keywords and effects to make the game more complicated. Hopefully, they can keep the text and keywords simple, otherwise, the game would end up more like Digimon with a lot of reading.

Multiplayer Battles

This is also a key part to the game, currently I don't think Bandai games have multiplayers, only 1v1 format. Although I haven't checked out Union Arena, but not really interested in using anime decks. To be honest, this make sense because Gundam is more involve with numbers rather than a solo member. This will be fun and we can have battle royal or team battle. I am definitely looking forward to this. It seems the rules also includes up to 5 people, so we can do 5 people Battle Royale. This would be very interesting.

Original Artworks

If every cards comes with original artwork, does this means we can fully bling our decks? I don't know how I feel if my Gundam deck cost more than my Gunplas. I would rather spent the money on Gunplas than deck, but I guess this is just me. However, if it's only 1 card, then I could try and spend that money on it.

Alt Arts

I guess not only we get original arts, but we also get alt arts. Now it really depends what kind of alt arts they will be getting. Sometimes Bandai Alt Arts aren't worth the money because of their illustrations, they are sometimes pretty poor in my opinion. Hopefully the ones I am after have some good alt arts.

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