I'm glad Hexeblaumon got a new card with brand new keyword Iceclad. This was the second Blue deck I like since Ulforce was the first one. The deck style is still the same as the old Hexe build, but with the ability Iceclad, it makes this deck a lot better than just trashing your opponent's Digi sources. I think for this build, there will be 2 deck builds for this. So, the post will be a bit longer than usual as I'll be using 2 different engine. The newer cards like BT18 and EX8 can definitely improve this build, so there will be plenty of room for improvement.
Iceclad | Iceclad Hybrid |
Digi Eggs x5 Lv3s x12 Lv4s x10 Lv5s x8 Lv6s x6 Lv7s x1 Options x6 Tamers x7 | Digi Eggs x4 Lv3s x8 Lv4s x12 Lv5s x5 Lv6s x8 Options x7 Tamers x10 |
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Iceclad |
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Iceclad Hybrid |
How it Works?
Two very different build, one of the build focus on trashing your opponent's digi sources and digivolve all the way to Hexeblau, whilst the other uses hybrid engine, so you won't need to rely on Hexeblau as the whole deck. It really depends how you want to play this deck as there are no wrong or right way. What it will depends on is your local meta and these 2 are very different.
Iceclad build focus on trashing your opponent's digi source so your opponents won't be able to activate inherited effects. It is very strong against most decks who rely on inherited effects, however, against rush builds we may struggle if we don't get Hexeblau on the field as soon as possible. Of course BT5 Hexeblau would be able to stop your opponent's attacks, but we only deal 1 damage at a time compare to EX7 Hexeblau.
Meanwhile the Hybrid build we literally have 2 ways of using this build, either going into AncientGarurumon or Hexeblau. Although since we can cheat AncientGarurumon, it makes the deck a bit more aggressive rather than digivolving all the way to Lv6. Although the downside is that we will need to rely on our Tamers more compare to Iceclad build who works fine without Tamers. But again, this is just personal preference, and it will depends on your local meta.
One of the build will be running these 2 Hexeblau in the build, both have different effects, but related in stopping your opponent's Digimon. BT5 Hexeblau works when attacking, trash up to 2 bottom digi source of 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, if your opponent has a Digimon with no digi source, this Digimon gains Jamming. Jamming is still very strong as we don't need to worry about your opponent's security Digimon. However, what I am mainly aiming for is the second effect that works all turn. Your opponent's Digimon with no digi source cannot attack or block. This is a very strong effect as it prevent your opponents from spamming Digimon to prepare for attacks.
EX7 Hexeblau is the main Digimon we want to get on the field if its possible. It has Security Attack +1 as well as the new keyword Iceclad which compares the digi sources instead of DP when this Digimon battles, except Security Digimon, allowing us pretty much delete any Digimon we want on the field. EX7 Hexeblau has 2 effects, the first effect works when digivolving, trash any 4 digi source cards of your opponent's Digimon. Then, if your opponent has no Digimon with digi source, return 1 of your opponent's Tamers to the bottom of the deck. This is very good as we've got ways to remove your opponent's Digimon. The second effect works on your opponent's turn, none of your opponent's Digimon with as many or few digi source as this Digimon can suspend. This is worded differently than BT5 Hexeblau, it just means your opponents won't be attacking since they can't suspend.
Hexeblau Evolution Line
Now we got the full digivolution line for one of the Hexeblau builds. EX7 Bulucomon has a main effect and an inherited effect. The main effect works on play, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck, add 1 card with Paledramon or Hexeblaumon in its name and 1 card with Ice Snow trait among them to your hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. This is just a nice search effect to get the key cards. The inherited effect works when attacking, trash the top digi source of one of your opponent's Digimon. This can be very handy especially when we mainly focus trashing your opponent's bottom digi sources.
EX3 Paledramon is optional in the build as you can replace this with something else. I mainly using this card for the inherited effect. The main effect works when digivolving, trash any 1 digi source under 1 of your opponent's Digimon. The inherited effect is when an opponent's with no digi source digivolves, increase the digi cost by 1. Now this is not once per turn, so as long as you can empty their digi sources, their digivolve cost will be 1 more than normal, forcing your opponents to use more memory.
EX7 Paledramon is a great addition to the build just like Bulucomon. The main effect works when digivolving, trash the bottom 2 digi source of 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, if your opponent has no Digimon with digi source, this Digimon gains Jamming and Blocker until the end of your opponent's turn. Both of these abilities will be very useful whether to go for aggression or be defensive. The inherited effect works when attacking, trash the top digi source of one of your opponent's Digimon. This is the exact same effect as EX7 Bulucomon.
Now we move onto CrysPaledramon who have Iceclad ability which will be useful to reduce your opponent's board. Then, the effect works when digivolving, trash any 2 digi source of your opponent's Digimon. Then, if your opponent has no Digimon with digi source, unsuspend this Digimon. We can swing with EX7 Paledramon as it got Jamming, then digivolve into CrysPaledramon protecting our Digimon from being attacked, or doing a second attack if we got enough memory. The inherited effect is while your opponent has no Digimon with digi source, this Digimon with Ice Snow trait gains Piercing and Security Attack +1. Unfortunately, this doesn't work with BT5 Hexeblau as they only decided to introduced Ice Snow in EX7, unless the decided to add one for BT5 Hexeblau in future.
Both builds will have some sort of removals since trashing digi sources won't do much if our opponents can keep their Digimon on their field. I think this is the downside of Hexeblau in my honest opinion. BT17 AncientGarurumon has a DigiXros keyword where we DigiXros -3 using Lobomon and KendoGarurumon, so we could end up playing AncientGarurumon for 6 memory if we used both Digimon. There are 3 effect for this Digimon, and the first effect works on play or when digivolving, return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest level. This is actually very strong if your opponents only has 1 Digimon in play, but if they have multiple low level Digimon, then it is meh. The second effect is when an effect adds cards to your or your opponent's hand, your opponent adds the top card of their security to their hand. This is actually very good, meaning we won't need to worry too much about security effects or high DP Digimon in the security, but that is only if we are lucky. Finally, the last effect is an on deletion effect where you can return 1 Tamer and 1 Hybrid trait Digimon from your trash to your hand. Then, you may play 1 Tamer card from your hand without paying the cost. This is so we could set up for Hybrid on our next turn, which is really useful.
BT17 Paladin Mode is also a great addition to one of the build as we focus on trashing your opponent's digi sources, meaning we can easily trigger most of this card effect. Of course it will cost you 6 to digivolve which is a hefty cost since we are not running Imperialdramon, but as a finisher, it is worth the cost. We also have a Blast Digivolve can be use in response to your opponent's attacks, with 2 effects. The first effect works on play or when digivolving, trash all digi sources of all of your opponent's Digimon. Then, return all cards from your or your opponent's trash to the bottom of the deck. If this effect returned a white Lv7 card, gain 3 memory. The gaining memory won't matter too much, unless you really care about trying to make your opponents pass their turn. The second effect is the main effect we are after. The effect works when attacking, by returning 1 of your opponent's Digimon with no digi sources to the bottom of the deck, unsuspend this Digimon. This effect is not once per turn, so as long as you can return your opponent's Digimon, you can keep unsuspending Paladin Mode and attack again.
Hybrid Digimons
Now the main Hybrid cards especially if we want to combine these with AncientGarurumon's DigiXros ability. BT7 KendoGarurumon can be digivolve on top of a Tamer as if the blue Tamer was a Lv3 Digimon for a memory cost of 2. Then, for the when digivolving effect, if a card with Hybrid trait or Koji in this Digimon's digi source, this Digimon gains Jamming for the turn. Jamming is great as we can swing without worrying about Security Digimon.
Promo Lobomon is the only Lv4 Hybrid where you won't be able to digivolve on top of a Tamer, so we will need to rely on getting Strabimon on the field to trigger the when digivolving effect. The effect is this Digimon can digivolve into an AncientGarurumon for a memory cost of 1, ignoring the digivolution requirements. If it does, delete this Digimon at the end of turn. This could help you cheat out AncientGarurumon if you want to, but only lasting for 1 turn. Although it will help you trigger the on deletion effect effect. The inherited effect is when this Digimon digivolves into an AncientGarurumon, reduce its digivolution cost by 2. The inherited effect would be better if you don't want AncientGarurumon to get deleted at the end of turn.
BT17 Lobomon can be digivolve on top of Koji for 2 memory, or on top of Lobomon for 1 memory. You can also digivolve this card on 1 of your yellow Tamers as if it was a Lv3 yellow Digimon, which is why I have splashed a bit of yellow to the hybrid build. The effect works when digivolving, if KendoGarurumon is in this Digimon digi source or you have a black or purple Digimon or Tamer, this Digimon may digivolve into AncientGarurumon in your hand for a digivolve cost of 3, ignoring the digivolution requirements. At the end of turn, delete this Digimon. This is pretty much similar to promo Lobomon where we could cheat out AncientGarurumon at a cost. The inherited effect works when attacking, if your hand is 7 or less, draw a card. So we can get a lot of draw power out of this card.
BT17 KendoGarurumon can be digivolve on top of Koji for 2 memory, or on top of Lobomon for 1 memory. You can also digivolve this card on 1 of your yellow Tamers as if it was a Lv3 yellow Digimon just like BT17 Lobomon. There are 2 main effects and both of them works when attacking, one of them is just draw a card and the second one is you may digivolve into a Digimon with Hybrid trait in your hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 1. This effect would work best with BT17 Lobomon, as we could digivolve into Lobomon, then cheat out AncientGarurumon all for 3 memory, but of course AncientGarurumon would be deleted, and we could use the on deletion effect. The inherited effect is the same as BT17 Lobomon, when attacking, if your hand is 7 or less, draw a card.
Lastly I am running BT7 Beowolfmon as it can help to trigger AncientGarurumon's effect. When one of your Digimon with a Tamer in the digi sources would digivolve into this card in your hand, reduce the digivolution cost by 2. So we could end up digivolving Beowolfmon for 1 memory. Then, we've got the when attacking effect where you may return 1 card with Hybrid trait in this Digimon's digi source to your hand to return 1 of your opponent's Lv4 or lower Digimon to its owner's hand.
Hybrid Supports
I know 1 of these cards isn't a Hybrid, but works very well in a Hybrid deck because of the effect. The card I am talking about is BT16 Ukkomon, the main effect is when one of your Digimon moves from the breeding area to the battle area, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck, add 1 Digimon or Tamer among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck, then you may hatch an egg in your breeding area. The search effect is definitely useful especially for Hybrid decks who rely on Tamers and the right Digimon to work.
BT17 Strabimon works on play, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with Hybrid or Ten Warriors trait and 1 Tamer with an inherited effect among them to your hand. Return the rest to the bottom of your deck. This is another searcher just like Ukkomon, but we can search for 2 cards instead of 1. The inherited effect works when attacking, you may play 1 Tamer with an inherited effect from your hand with the play cost reduced by 2. I do think this inherited effect is important, especially when we get a chance to play a lot of Tamers without needing a lot of memory.
But another card that can play Tamers with the reduced cost is Ancient Guardian Deity. Ancient Guardian Deity can be played from your hand ignoring the colour requirements if you have a Tamer or a Digimon with Hybrid trait. The effect is you may return 1 Digimon with Hybrid or Ten Warriors trait from your trash to your hand. Then, you may play 1 Digimon with Ten Warriors trait or 1 Tamer with inherited effect from your hand with the play cost reduced by 4. So we will still be paying 2 memory, so that Tamer won't be for free. The security effect is you may play 1 Tamer with an inherited effect from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Then, add this card to your hand. This effect will let us play Tamers for free while getting the Option card to our hand.
Security Recovery
The only 2 yellow cards we need will be these 2 for the security recovery. JetSilphymon is still limited to 1, and if we do get to see this at 4, I'll definitely run 4 copies as that effect is very useful in this build since the new Blue Hybrid got yellow in their colour. When one of your Digimon with a Tamer in the digi sources would digivolve into this card in your hand, reduce the digivolution cost by 2. Then for the when digivolving effect, if a card with Hybrid trait is in this Digimon's digi source, perform 1 sec recovery.
Meanwhile Zoe has 2 effects, the first effect is the security effect where you can play this card without paying its memory cost. The second effect works on play, you may search your security stack for 1 Hybrid or Ten Warriors trait, reveal it and add it to your hand. If you have added a card, perform 1 sec recovery. Then, shuffle your security stack. What I like about this effect is that it is not colour restricted, so we could choose any card we want as long as they have the Hybrid trait. The inherited effect works during your opponent's turn. All of your Security Digimon gains 3k DP. This might makes a difference, it may not, it really depends what you opponents has on the field.
Trashing Digi Sources
The other build will have the ability to trash your opponent's digi sources without the need of Hexeblau. In fact, these cards are to set up for Hexeblau. BT12 Otamamon only has an inherited effect which works during your opponent's turn. Once per turn, when an opponent's Digimon attacks, trash the bottom digi source card of 1 of your opponent's Digimon. This works great with BT5 Hexeblau as it could stop 1 of your opponent's Digimon from attacking.
EX7 SnowAgumon has the Iceclad ability, but you want to digivolve on top of a egg to make this effect work or use Lanamon's effect so we could delete your opponent's Digimon with ease. The inherited effect works when attacking, trash the top digi source of 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
BT14 Ikkakumon is really nice to have as it can act like BT5 Hexeblau, but only for that turn. Ikkakumon has 2 effects, the first effect works when digivolving, trash any 2 digi sources from your opponent's Digimon. The second effect works when attacking, 1 of your opponent's Digimon with as many or less digi source than this Digimon cannot attack until the end of your turn. The inherited effect is the same as the when attacking effect, so if we combined this with EX7 Hexeblau we can stop Digimon from suspending and attacking which could be very handy.
Zudomon Ace is a 4 cost Digimon we could hard play if we need to get 1 of the Megas on the field as soon as possible. Zudomon has 2 different effect, the first effect works from hand which is Blast Digivolve. The second effect works on play or when digivolving, trash any 2 digi sources from under 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with no digi sources to the hand. This could stop 1 of your opponent's attacks if we Blast Digivolve, otherwise we could reduce your opponent's chances to get their high level Digimon on the field.
BT6 Mijiramon is mainly in the build for the inherited effect. The when digivolving is just trash the top digi source of 1 of your opponent's Digimon just like SnowAgumon's inherited effect. The inherited effect is if your opponent has no Digimon with digi sources, unsuspend this Digimon. If we combine this with EX7 Hexeblau, we could wipe 2 Digimon using Iceclad ability or swing at your opponent's security, dealing 4 damage altogether. But wiping your opponent's board would be better to reduce the number of attacks they can do.
Now Summon Frost is another card that could be helpful in this build. The main effect is trash the top 2 digi source of all of your opponent's Digimon. If this effect didn't trash, you may play one Lv4 or lower Ice Snow trait from your hand without paying the cost. Then, none of your opponent's Digimon without digi source can attack until the end of their turn. Summon Frost condition is not bad, you either trash or play Ice Snow Digimon for free whilst stopping your opponent's board from attacking for a turn. The security effect is just activate this card's main effect.
Hybrid aren't the only build with Jamming capabilities as the other build make use of these 2 cards. EX6 Biyomon has a very simple effect with Blocker and Jamming whilst Lanamon can digivolve on top of a Tamer as it is part of a Hybrid. The effect works when digivolving, by placing a blue lv3 Digimon from your hand under 1 of your blue Digimon as the bottom digi source, this Digimon gains Jamming. This works pretty well with Iceclad abilities as it can increase your chances of deleting more Digimon.
Option Searcher
One of the build will be able to use these 2 cards whilst the other build with only use 1 of these cards in the build. Blue Memory Boost is a searcher and also gives you more memory hence the name. The main effect is reveal the top 4 cards of your deck, add 1 blue Digimon among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card in your battle area. Personally with Hybrid, you are more into playing cards that digivolving which is why I am running Blue Memory Boost in the build. The second effect is a Delay effect, gain 2 memory. The security effect is place this card in the battle area.
Mental Training will be very helpful as we want to digivolve all the way to Hexeblau with ease, but I am also running this in Hybrid for the search effect. The main effect is reveal the top 2 cards of your deck, add 1 blue card among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card in your battle area. What I like about this card is that we can search for any blue cards we see, even Mental Training. The second effect is a delay effect, 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a blue Digimon from your hand with the digi cost reduced by 2. The security effect is place this card in the battle area.
Two different type of Tamers for 2 of the builds, since one focus on Hybrid we would focus on Hybrid tamers more than the other. BT3 Davis is a memory setter with an on play effect. Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck, add 1 blue and 1 green Digimon among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. If we can get him on the field, then digivolving to Hexeblau will be a lot easier. The security effect is play this card without paying the memory cost.
Sora & Joe is a Tamer I do want on the field as soon as possible especially for Hexeblau's effects. Sora & Joe have 2 effects, the first effect works at the start of your turn, if your opponent has a Digimon with no digi sources, gain 2 memory. This can easily be done since we can trash your opponent's digi sources with ease. The second effect is when of your blue Digimon attacks, by suspending this Tamer, trash up to 2 bottom digi sources from one of your opponent's Digimon. This is just in case you need the trash effect. The security effect is play this card without paying the memory cost.
BT14 Joe is another Tamer that works well in Hexeblau build. Joe has two effects, the first effect works on play, trash 1 digi source from 1 of your opponent's Digimon. The second effect is when a card is trashed from 1 of your opponent's Digimon, by suspending this Tamer, gain 1 memory. This is very easy to trigger since we have plenty of trashing effect. The security effect is play this card without paying the memory cost.
BT7 Koji has a security effect which is play this card without paying the memory cost. We will ignore the main effect as it is not relevant in this type of hybrid build. The inherited effect is when an effect adds a card to your hand, gain 1 memory. Then, this Digimon can't be blocked for the turn. This effect is very strong against Blocker abilities, but other than that, I guess we could gain the extra memory.
BT17 Koji security's effect is just the same where we play this card without paying the memory cost, but this time he is also a memory setter which would be very useful in Hybrid build where we focus more on hard playing cards. The inherited effect is when an effect adds a card to your hand, gain 1 memory, Then, this Digimon gains Jamming. What EX7 Hexeblau is missing is Jamming, and this can be solved with this effect as long as we've got ways to add cards into our hand.
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