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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

EX7 Three Musketeers Deck Profile


Another build new players can build just from EX7 set is Three Musketeers. Its only Tamers that is not from EX7 set since Three Musketeers doesn't have a Tamer. The playing style is different from the last Three Musketeers build as we don't need to set up the trash to reduce the cost to play BeelStarmon. This time, we can digivolve all the way normal, of course, we can still hard play certain Digimon to get the main Digimon out. As you can also see, I haven't written a colour next to Three Musketeers, as Three Musketeers doesn't care about colours at all as long as they have Three Musketeers in their traits.

EX7 Three Musketeers

How it Works?

This deck works a bit different than the previous Three Musketeers build as we are mainly focused on putting Option cards to the digi source, so BeelStarmon X can make use of those Option cards and start trashing your opponent's security as well as Digimon. There are a lot of control cards, and most of them are only effective if your opponent plays Digimon on the field. If you play the cards right, then it should be very difficult for your opponents to maintain a board unless they are playing decks that can constantly refill the board, or have prevention effects that prevent those from being deleted.

We will mostly be hard playing our cards which is why the Digi egg won't be as important in this build, but if you need to the draw, then we digivolve on top, as most of our rookies have on play effects. We don't have memory boosts who can increase our memory simply because those memory boost doesn't really fit well in this build.


As always, the Three Musketeers will still centre around BeelStarmon as they are the main Musketeer Digimon in this game. EX7 BeelStarmon is an Ace card with Blast Digivolve. This is actually really useful if we hard play our Lv5s this turn, but the alternative digivolution cost is that you can digivolve on top of Lv5 Three Musketeers in the text for 3 memory. We have 2 effects, the first effect works on play or when digivolving, return 1 Option card from your trash to your hand. Then, you may use 1 Option card with the Three Musketeers trait from your hand without paying the cost. The second effect works when attacking, by trashing 1 Option card from this Digimon's digi sources, you may use 1 Option card from your hand. Both effects are great as she can remove 2 of your opponent's Digimon in one go.

BeelStarmon X is one of the main Digimon I like to have on the field and since BeelStarmon only cost 6 to hard play, it won't be difficult to digivolve on top during our next turn. You can also digivolve on top of a Lv6 Three Musketeers without X Antibody trait for 1 memory. Well all of our Lv6s are Three Musketeers, so this wouldn't be difficult to pull off. BeelStarmon X have 2 effects, the first effect works when digivolving, you may use 1 Option card with Three Musketeers in its text without paying the cost. This effect is similar to EX7 BeelStarmon where we can use Option cards for free. The second effect works when digivolving or when attacking, by trashing 2 cards with Three Musketeers trait in this Digimon's digi source, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the highest level and trash the top card of your opponent's security. What I like about this effect is that it is not once per turn, so as long as you can trash the cards in your digi source, BeelStarmon X could trash up to 2 security cards in 1 go whilst deleting 2 Digimon which is not bad if we want to clear the board.

The Draw Power 

Hand size won't be a problem even if you are hard playing these Digimon and not digivolving on top because we've got plenty of draw power in this build. EX7-040 ToyAgumon, we've got 2 ToyAgumon in this set and both support the same Three Musketeers, so I'm writing the card number down. You can digivolve on top of a Lv2 Three Musketeer in the text for 0. Then, the effect works on play, by trashing 1 card with Three Musketeers trait in your hand, draw 2 cards. This is just a nice filter to get the cards we need. The inherited effect is Reboot allowing your Digimon to unsuspend at the end of your turn.

EX7 Sparrowmon is one of our main cards if we want to make BeelStarmon X really deadly. Just like EX7-040 ToyAgumon, you can digivolving on top of a Lv2 Three Musketeer in the text for 0. The effect works at the start of your main phase, by placing 1 Option card with the Three Musketeers trait from your hand or trash as 1 of your Digimon's bottom digi source and draw a card. This effect lets you recycle the Option cards you used from your trash so you can reuse BeelStarmon's effect. The inherited effect is Retaliation, a nice pressure to put against your opponents if they want to delete our Digimon.

EX7 MagnaKidmon is nice to have in the build, although you can run more copies of this card if you want to be more aggressive. You can digivolve on top of a Lv5 Three Musketeers in the text for 4. Then, we've got 2 effects, the first effect works on play or when digivolving, you may use 1 Option card with Three Musketeers trait from your hand without paying the cost. Then, draw cards until you have 6 cards in your hand. This effect is really good because not only we can use an Option card for free, but we can also recover the hand if we are low on hand size. The second effect works at the end of your turn. By trashing 1 Option card from this Digimon's digi source, 1 of your Digimon gains Security Attack +1 for the turn and that Digimon can attack. This effect can make your Digimon become aggressive, but you will be risking losing your Digimon if they have low DPs.


There are plenty of searchers, especially for searching Option cards to use. EX7-008 ToyAgumon is just like the other rookies where we can digivolve on top of a Lv2 Three Musketeer in the text for 0. The main effect works on play, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck, add 1 card with Three Musketeers in its text and one 6 cost Option card. Return the rest to the bottom of your deck. This is a different kind of searcher as we don't search for Three Musketeers trait, instead the text must need to say Three Musketeers, and that is all the cards except the Tamers. The inherited effect is this Digimon gains 2k DP. This would help BeelStarmon to hit more power without worrying about the Overflow drawback.

EX7 Gigadramon can be digivolve on top of a Lv4 Three Musketeers in text for 3 memory. The effect works on play or when digivolving, reveal the top 4 cards of your deck, place 1 Option card with the Three Musketeers trait among them to this Digimon's digi source. Return the rest to top or bottom of your deck. If this effect placed, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers with a play cost of 3. This helps us check what would our next top cards will be whilst deleting your opponent's cards. The inherited effect is Collision, forcing your opponents to block with their Digimon, so even without our Option cards, your opponents won't be having Digimon on the field easily.

EX7 Gundramon can be digivolve on top of a Lv5 Three Musketeers in text for 4 memory. It is a Blocker with 2 effects. The first effect works on play or when digivolving. Reveal the top 6 cards of your deck, you may use 1 Three Musketeers trait Option card among them without paying the cost. Return the rest to the top or bottom of your deck. Just like Gigadramon we could check the top cards to see if we need the cards or not. The second effect works for all turns. When any of your Three Musketeers trait Digimon would leave the battle area other than by your effects, by trashing 1 Option card in this card's digi source, they don't leave. This effect is not once per turn, so as long as you've got Option cards, it will protect your Digimon, especially BeelStarmon Ace.

BT2 Matt is optional, and you can replace it with other Tamers. But I don't think there are a lot of memory setter Tamers who can work with this build. Matt comes with an on play effect where you can add 1 purple Digimon or purple Option card from your trash. The only problem is that purple is the least colour we are using for this build, but I guess we can recycle the purple Option at best. The security effect is play this card without paying the cost.

Three Musketeers in Text

Now the other Digimon with Three Musketeers in the text. EX7 Tankmon can be digivolve on top of a Lv3 Digimon with Three Musketeers in the text for 2 memory. The effect works on play or when digivolving, by returning 3 cards with the Three Musketeers trait in hand or trash to top of the deck, you can De-Digivolve 1 one of your opponent's Digimon. This works well with MagnaKidmon as MagnaKidmon could let us draw back up again. The inherited effect is the same as EX7-040 ToyAgumon where we have Reboot.

EX7 Deputymon can also be digivolve on top of a Lv3 Digimon with Three Musketeers in the text for 2 memory. The effect works when digivolving or when attacking, you may trash any 1 Option card from 1 of your Digimon's digi sources. Now you might want to use this if you want to arrange some Option cards for your other Digimon. There is a second effect where this Digimon gains the Three Musketeers trait during your turn. This is important as some of our Option cards might need Three Musketeers on the field to lift the colour restrictions. The inherited effect is exactly the same as EX7-008 ToyAgumon where this Digimon gains 2k DP.

EX7 Megadramon can be digivolve on top of a Lv4 Digimon with Three Musketeers in the text for 3 memory. The effect works on play or when digivolving, by placing 1 Option card with the Three Musketeers trait from your hand or trash to this Digimon's bottom digi source, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 6k DP or less. A nice removal if we need to remove your opponent's Digimon to stop your opponents from making their next move on their next turn. The inherited effect is Piercing. Piercing is kinda pointless in this build as we focus on heavily removing your opponent's Digimon with card effects.

The Option Cards

All these Option cards are 6 cost and have Three Musketeers trait as well as you can play these cards ignoring the colour requirements if you got Three Musketeers trait Digimon on the field, which is why Deputymon will be handy. Der Blitz have 2 effects. The first effect is when an effect trashes this card from your Digimon's digi source, De-Digivolve 1 one of your opponent's Digimon. The second effect is delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest play cost. Then, place this card as the bottom digi source card of 1 of your Three Musketeers trait Digimon. This is a nice removal to use since we have a lot of deletion effects, especially if they only have 1 Digimon in play. The security effect is delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest play cost.

Hurricane Screw Shot has 2 effects. The first effect is when an effect trashes this card from your Digimon's digi source, gain 1 memory. This is especially useful if we want to reduce the amount of memory we give to your opponents. The second effect is delete 1 of your opponent's Lv3, Lv4 and Lv5 Digimon. Then,  place this card as the bottom digi source card of 1 of your Three Musketeers trait Digimon. This is especially useful if your opponents goes wide, but to have all 3 on the field might be a bit difficult to pull off. The security effect is delete 1 of your opponent's Lv3, Lv4 and Lv5 Digimon.

Chaos Triangular personally is a card that can remove the big DP Digimon whilst the other 2 focus on lower levels. It also has 2 effects and the first effect is when an effect trashes this card from your Digimon's digi source, 1 of your Digimon gains 3k DP until the end of your opponent's turn. This effect would work amazing with Gundramon who is a Blocker, so we could stop any attacks your opponents might throw at us. The second effect is delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 9k DP or less. For each Digimon with the Three Musketeers trait with different names, add 3k to this DP based deletion effect. Then, place this card as the bottom digi source card of 1 of your Three Musketeers trait Digimon. So if we can get at least 2-3 Three Musketeers on the field, this will be a deadly Option card. The security effect is delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 12k DP or less. 

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